Angelina Jolie has arranged the worst New Year for Brad Pitt

It seems that the divorce from Angelina Jolie is given to Brad Pitt extremely hard. The actor transferred relatively well the shared property, but when the turn came to the children, everything turned out to be much more complicated.

Shortly before the New Year, the next, third, meeting of the actor and his children was organized. Now they live with their mother. Since the time Jolie filed for divorce, and this was in mid-September, the actor could not freely meet with family and adopted children. Moreover, the meetings of the father and 5 children are held under the close supervision of Angie herself and ... the psychotherapist.

Pain and disappointment

In the Western press, information appeared that the meeting of the film star "Inglourious Basterds" and "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" lasted literally a few minutes. Eyewitnesses could see the actor in tears, after so short a meeting with the children. At the meeting with Pitt came everything, except Madox, which according to lawyers Jolie, and was the reason for the divorce power couple.

It is rumored that since the beginning of the divorce proceedings, Pitt repeatedly asked to close it for the media. According to the star, the details of family "fights" are very traumatic for children. He did his best to avoid it, but in vain.

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A friend of the actor shared insider information in an interview with The Mail on Sunday:

"These New Year holidays are perhaps the worst in Brad's life. He's literally broken! He was badly "undercut" by the fact that it was not possible to spend the holidays with the children. Meetings under the supervision of Jolie, and even a psychotherapist, he perceives as a real punishment. It is now often seen in tears. It so happened that he received a blow in the back from the one whom he still loves. And even so, he misses his wife and is sure that her decision to file for divorce was impulsive. Most likely, Jolie regrets about the deed, but just does not understand how to stop this flywheel. "