The stars refused to be friends with Keaton Jones, who was previously supported on the network

Recently, many world celebrities and ordinary Internet users stood up for the boy from Tennessee who was offended at school and teased because of a big nose.

However, the other day almost everyone who responded to the call for help to a poor teenager abandoned his offer of friendship and support after learning that Keeton Jones and his family supported the Confederates.

finding out that Keaton's family is racist is so disappointing.

it's a perfect example of how to do things right, but y'all's irrational hate in the way. every time.

- CHIKA (@oranicuhh) December 11, 2017

After the hype, many Internet users who care about the fate of the hunted boy decided to find his mother's contacts in social networks, but what was their surprise when on one of the detected pages they saw a series of pictures of the Jones family in the background of a house with US flags and white racist symbols.

So Keaton got bullied for being racist and calling black people 'niggers'? Lmao I just went from wanting to give him a hand to giving him the hands

- OP (@OceanSprayDoe) December 11, 2017

"The victim of persecution" turned out to be a racist!

The photos were posted at the end of August, a couple of weeks after the terrible events in Charlottesville, which arose on the basis of racial hatred, and were accompanied by no less stunning signature:

"All offended Americans who are not injured to the blood and who do not stick out bones, if you are able to breathe, stop complaining. You have not seen a good swag. Instead of grumbling at financial, physical and other kinds of suffering, I recommend that you join this group. "

After a thorough analysis of all the social networks of the famously famous family, it was discovered that the Joneses support the current president. Someone said that Keaton was poisoned precisely because he insulted black peers.

Comments were not long in coming:

"What is it? They keep the banner of the confederation! And after that they count on people's support? "," I'm very disappointed that the Joneses turned out to be racists. Unfortunately, we often support those who at first sight seem to us to be the right person. But this irrational hatred destroys everything, "" How wrong I was, I wanted to shake hands with the guy, but it was what he calls the dark-skinned "niggers." Now it is clear why he is being poisoned at school. And now I will be glad to give a hand to these guys. "

Also, users learned that the mother of Keaton Kimberly, taking advantage of the surging popularity, through Instagram and GoFund Me tried to organize a fund-raising campaign. Anyone who has already managed to transfer money to the specified account, was recommended to issue a refund.

Later, Sister Keaton made a Twitter post in defense of the mother and the family as a whole, stating that there are no racists among them, and her brother never uses the word "n". The girl asked to leave their family alone and not to blame any more. And also claimed that Kimberly has nothing to do with the collection of money on the Internet.

After "exposing" Keaton's family, many stars refused to support the guy, who earlier stood up for the teenager. So, from the Instagram of Rihanna was removed post in defense of Keaton Jones.

Read also

Recall that for the hounded boy stood up Mark Ruffalo, Demi Lovato, Snoop Dogg, Justin Bieber, Chris Evans and many other celebrities, as well as athletes of the baseball team Colorado Rockies.