On what date can you sleep?

It is difficult to find a middle ground in the question of which date you can sleep on. After all, you do not want to look like a puritan girl who "before the wedding no-no", but also a frivolous girl with a wind in her head, too, does not want to be.

So, how do you know this treasured golden mean? It is rumored that intuition, the subconscious mind is able to tell each of us this answer. True, not everyone can hear their inner voice, and therefore it is for them that the leading psychologists in the field of relations decided to share their knowledge.

On what date can you sleep with a man?

A social survey among the representatives of the strong half of humanity showed that it is not important for the guys, after how many visits one can sleep. Moreover, many people happened that the stranger, with whom he spent a pleasant night, after a few years became a beloved wife. It would not be superfluous to mention that the minority came to the conclusion: sex on a first date speaks of the girl's bad reputation. Moreover, this category of men believes that they can and should be tormented, and therefore to give up already at the early stages of the relationship - is silly and meaningless.

This psychological research was not completed. Specialists decided to "dig" deeper and find out how many time-out guys are willing to be in anticipation of long-awaited sex. The results are staggering. On the first date they are not ready to sleep. In their opinion, a woman wants sex at the third meeting and they are supposedly feeling this. After all, this is the golden mean after going to the movies, cafes, etc. What will happen if you do not rush into intimacy? It turns out that the young man "burns out." He has lost any desire to communicate with the young lady. In addition, it is not excluded that he had an impression of her as a person with complexes or simply about someone who already has a sexual partner.

Arguing about what date you can sleep with, it is worth mentioning also that if romantic encounters were one visit per month, men are ready to wait weeks, months. In the case when a guy and a girl are seen every day, there is little chance that such a relationship will last more than six months.

The most interesting thing is that when she finally decided on sex, but the partner's desire for this has disappeared, it is believed that it is for him to again try to rekindle the passion between the two. Unfortunately, it is not enough which pair has such a second chance.