Acne disease

Acne is a chronic disease that occurs against the background of hormonal changes in the human body. As a result of the interaction of a number of pathological factors, the production of sebaceous glands increases, and the ducts of the follicles are blocked by the dead skin scales of the stratum corneum. All this leads to an aggravation of the inflammatory process, manifested in the form of acne on the face, less often the chest and back.

Causes of acne

As already noted, acne eruptions are the result of several adverse factors. These include:

In some cases, acne can be a consequence of taking medications (anabolic, B group vitamins, antidepressants, progestin-based contraceptives).

Forms of acne

Although acne and does not pose a threat to the life of the patient, but causes damage to the exterior and is the cause of significant mental distress. Specialists identify the following forms of acne:

The papulo-pustular form of acne is most common. At the initial stage, the papules manifest as an inflammation of the sebaceous-hair follicles. If the comedones were formed at the narrowed follicular estuaries, then the rashes look like small whitish dense nodules - whiteheads. With the open mouth of the follicle, lipids of sebum oxidize, and black comedones are formed. Papules, pustules and comedones go away without a trace.

If, as a result of the rupture of the wall of the follicle, the contents of the gland penetrate into the surrounding tissues, a hypodermic node is formed which, when suppurated, forms a cyst. After the nodes and cysts, noticeable scars, pigmented spots for life, can remain.

Treatment of acne

The approach to therapy of acne should be complex. The main directions of treatment:

1. The use of agents regulating salivation and suppressing the growth of microflora:

2. Reception of micro- and macroelements, vitamins C, E and group B. For severe acne, Isotretion is used, which is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A.

3. For acne with prevalence of papulo-pustules, antibiotics are prescribed for external use in the form of applications. In severe cases, the doctor recommends antibacterial drugs for internal administration.

4. Physiotherapy methods:

5. Peeling procedures with glycolic or salicylic acid, paraffin applications.

6. Intraocular injection of corticosteroids can help in the fight against black comedones. Procedures for the appointment of a doctor are repeated once every 2-3 weeks.

7. Laser for the destruction of bacterial cells in the skin epidermis. Also laser treatment of acne is aimed at elimination of postgrave complications, mainly of scars.

In the prevention and treatment of acne it is important to choose cosmetics suitable for the type of skin. The determining factor for acne is the diet. If you are addicted to acne, you should discard: