Shish kebab in the oven in the sleeve for baking

Many of us just love shish kebabs. And it is not always possible to cook them in a traditional way on the nature of a charcoal grill. But it's not a problem, and it's not an excuse to give up your favorite delicacy. How to cook a shish kebab in the oven in the sleeve, read below.

Shish kebab in the oven in the sleeve



Pork cut into pieces, put on the work surface, cover with a film and beat well. Remove the film, rub the meat with salt, spices and again beat off. Put the meat in a bowl, add seasoning for shish kebab, chopped onion. We knead well with hands to make the juice stand out. We remove in the cold marinate for 2 hours. Prepare the rest of the onions - cut it into half rings, put it in a bowl, pour boiling water, vinegar, pour sugar and add salt. You can also add lemon juice. Again stir well and leave to marinate. Now warm the oven well, put the sleeve on the baking sheet for baking, on the one side of the edge we fasten it. We place in it a pickled onion, on it - meat and fasten the sleeve. From the top in the film, make a few small holes. We send it to a hot oven and bake for about 1.5 hours. If you want to make a shish kebab in the sleeve on the onion cushion with a ruddy crust, then we cut the sleeve 10 minutes before the end of the baking process.

Shish kebab from the chicken in the oven in the sleeve



Chicken fillet cut into oblong stripes. We put them on the skewers accordion. For marinade, soy sauce is mixed with vegetable oil, sugar, coriander, chopped garlic, salt. We pour the marinade chicken fillet, cover and clean in the cold of the watch for 2. When the meat is faded, the oven is heated to 200 degrees. We place shish kebabs in the sleeve. The edges are fastened with a special clip. Place the sleeve on the baking tray and cook for about half an hour.

Shish kebab recipe in the oven in the sleeve



Cut the meat into pieces. Solim, pepper, pour spices. Onions are cut into quarters and sorted by layers. We add it to the meat. We send tomatoes along with juice. Well mixed and marinated for about an hour. We string meat with pieces of onions and tomatoes onto wooden skewers, place them in a sleeve. At the same time, they should be placed in rows, not against each other. The edges are fastened with special clips and sent for 40 minutes in a well-heated oven.

Shish kebab from pork in the oven in the sleeve



Onion is turned into a slurry with a meat grinder or blender. And if you do not have neither one nor the other at your fingertips a fine grater is also suitable. Cut the meat into pieces. Mix onion mass with tomato paste, add pepper and salt. Mix well and place in the resulting marinade meat. Stir well and leave for 8 hours. After that, the meat is stringed on skewers, sprinkled with vegetable oil and placed in a sleeve. Fasten the edges, make a couple of holes on the surface to exit the steam and at 200 degrees bake for about 30 minutes. And that the shish kebab in the oven in the sleeve for baking turned out with a smell of haze, pieces of meat can be alternated with pieces of smoked bacon. Then a unique aroma is provided, and very few people will be able to distinguish this shish kebab from what is prepared on the grill.