Kate Winslet talked about how she was teased as a child

Star of films "Titanic" and "Magic Country" took part in the festival We Day UK. She spoke in front of 12,000 spectators and without embarrassment told what she had to go through while studying at school.

The reason for the persecution was the desire of the future Oscar-winning actress to become a celebrity:

"I literally did not get a pass because of what they knew - I want to be an actress. I was called "fat", repeatedly in the closet closed and laughed in the face. "

Despite all these "strength tests", young Kate did not betray her dreams, because she knew that she would surely smile good luck. In addition, she admitted that she was ready to play absolutely any role, just to be on stage.

A dream is not so easy to break ...

The actress said that she would gladly play even ... fat girls. She never allowed the evil-doers to influence her decision:

"Inside myself, I knew that I would succeed. At that stage I was ready to play anyone. It could be a crocodile, a wicked fairy or a scarecrow. I remember that I had to play a frog that danced. But it did not bother me, I still loved to do it. It was not important what role they would give me (small or big). I knew that I would be convincing in them. And I decided for myself that I would never stop learning. And one day I got that Role! I played Rose in the Titanic, in one of the most wonderful films of our time. "
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Ms. Winslet advised the listeners to go to their goal and not give up:

"I am confident that a new, younger generation can change the world for the better. Understand that you can be anywhere, and do whatever you want. You just have to believe in yourself! "