How to sew a blanket on the bed?

Many women are wondering how to make a bedroom cozy. And let's think, what, when we go into the bedroom, do we pay attention first? Of course, the largest piece of furniture - a bed. And if your bed is a pile of pillows, crumpled blankets and sheets, what kind of comfort can we talk about? But if the bed is neatly tidied and covered with an elegant coverlet, harmoniously combined with the rest of the interior of the room, then this bedroom, for sure, will not be ashamed to show the guests.

And what if the bed has a non-standard size or choose the appropriate cover for the color scheme is completely impossible? If you are a lucky owner of a sewing machine, then there is a way out - you can sew a bedroom cover yourself. "How?" - you ask - "Is it so easy?" With the help of our material, you can easily cope with this task, because now we will tell you how to sew the coverlet on the bed.

As we have already said, the bedspread on the bed concentrates a significant part of attention to itself. The more elegant and lush it will be, the more beautiful and elegant the bedroom will look like in general. Best of all, if the veil covers the bed completely, in this case, the design of the bedroom will get a complete look.

So, how correctly to sew the bedspread on the bed?

The coverlet will look perfect if you trim it with a lip. Kant can be cut from the remnants of fabric or choose a suitable one-color fabric or fabric with a pattern that will blend in with one of the shades of fabric-this will be an additional finish.

What fabric is better to sew a blanket?

We offer to choose fabrics with a dense weave for the cover: it is easy to work with such fabrics, besides, they lie tightly and reliably hide the bed entirely. To properly sew the bedspread for the bedroom, you need to consider a number of small tailor tricks:

Before you sew a blanket, you need to carefully and correctly calculate and cut the fabric.

Open the fabric

  1. We are painting the main cloth. We measure the length and width of the mattress, add 3 cm to the allowances of the seams.
  2. We cut out the frills. I will give an example for clarity. If you want a fluffy frill you need to multiply the length and width of the main part by 2. Suppose the length of the curtain is 2 meters and the width is -1.60 m., The width of the flats will be equal to 2x2 = 4 m in length and 2x 1.60 = 3.2 m by the width of the main part. The height of the frill is the desired height plus 3.5 cm for the seam allowances and the hem. We follow the combination of the pattern at the joints of the seams.

We collect the cut details

  1. We connect the side details. We grind the details of the frill into the ring so that the seams coincide with the corners of the main fabric.
  2. Pratachivaem edge. To do this, we cut two edges of the same length as the side pieces, add 2,5 cm to the seams and the hem. Fold the front sides inward and take an open cut edge to the main panel. We cut the allowance of the edges in the corners, so that it would lie flat.
  3. Fold the frills. Twice we twist the hem by one centimeter from the bottom and top edges of each frill strip, cutting the corners at an angle of 45 °, press it. We are applying a fader.
  4. We divide the frills into identical sections. We divide the length of the main cloth into three equal parts, and the width - by two, mark the points along the edge of the edge with pins. We measure the frill and mark out the same parts of the sections.
  5. Assign. To do this, it is necessary to stitch two lines for assemblies in parallel at a distance of 0.5 and 1.5 cm from the rough sections of the frill, start and finish sewing at the marks.
  6. Pritachivaem frills. We put the details face inward, we combine open sections, pin the frill near the marks of the main cloth. We pull the threads of the assembly lines, adjusting along the length, we chop and sweep the frill and the canvas together.
  7. We use a special foot for "lightning", we sharpen the frill closely to the edge. Now you can unscrew the assembly seams.

How to sew a patchwork veil?

Before we sew a patchwork cover, we select suitable patches of square or triangular shape, join them together until they become equal in area to the area of ​​the main fabric of the product. We process with edging or oblique bake.

How to sew a quilt?

For sewing quilted bedspreads we choose lighter fabrics and make markings on the fabric of the desired width between the lines, for example 5x5 cm. We sweep or chop the fabric and sintepon with pins at the intersections of the lines and plot the lines along the planned lines. If you have a special foot for making patchwork products, before sewing a blanket, install it on your sewing machine.