Diet for teenagers

Many adolescents complain about the imperfection of the figure: someone wants to get well, and someone on the contrary to lose weight, but the latter worries young girls much more. In order to have a slender figure, you need to master simple rules, which are as follows:

  1. Do not gorge yourself before going to bed, because our beauty and harmony depends precisely on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. And at night the body needs to rest and recover, and not to digest food.
  2. Limit the consumption of smoked sausages, butter and sweets. All these products can not only cause unwanted rashes on the face, but also contribute to the formation of fat deposits.
  3. You should try to eat only fresh food (it contains the greatest amount of vitamins and nutrients), from incorrect storage, many products lose valuable properties for the body.
  4. Do not get involved in salty foods (crackers, nuts, chips, salted fish) - this can lead to edema and the deposition of salts in the joints.
  5. Try to eat at the same time, at least 4 times a day.
  6. To stay in shape or to achieve being in shape, you need a balanced diet that contains fiber, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. Ideal is the ratio: two-thirds of raw food and one-third of cooked food.
  7. It is necessary to move a lot - swimming in the pool, dancing, playing basketball or volleyball. There is a lot of activities that will bring joy to the movement.

Diet for weight loss for teenagers

Adolescent girls sometimes believe that the best way to lose weight quickly is to cut your diet to a minimum. The adolescent diet should be rational and balanced, the growing body needs a sufficient number of calories. The diet for teenage girls should not resemble a hunger strike, and mono-diets are also harmful to them. In order to lose weight, a diet for a teenager should be composed as follows:

  1. The morning must necessarily begin with breakfast, and it is better if it is oatmeal (or some other porridge) with fruit, muesli, cereal, or cottage cheese to choose from. 1 egg, a glass of milk or tea (it's better to drink tea without sugar or sweeten it a little bit)
  2. The next meal should be no more than 3 hours - it should be raw fruits or vegetables, low-fat yogurt.
  3. For lunch, it is better to eat soup on vegetable or meat broth. A piece of cooked or baked meat or fish with a salad, in addition to soup, will not get hungry until the next meal.
  4. Snack can consist of a glass of vegetable or fruit juice and toast with cheese.
  5. Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime, it can include pasta (potatoes or cereals) with a piece of meat or fish, and necessarily with fresh or stewed vegetables.
  6. A glass of milk or kefir, drunk just before bedtime, will help a more sound and peaceful sleep.

Fast diets for teenagers

It happens that you need to lose weight urgently, for example, to some holiday. To do this, you can use a fast diet for teenagers.

5-day teenage diet

1 day

For breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, one large orange, 1 carrot, rubbed on a grater and a cup of tea or unsweetened coffee.

Lunch: fresh apple and 10 large prunes.

Dinner: a glass of kefir or yogurt.

2 day

Breakfast: a piece of low-fat cheese and tea or coffee without sugar.

Lunch: 1 egg.

Dinner: 2 pears or 2 oranges to choose from.

3 day

Breakfast: 2 cups of boiled milk.

Lunch: salad of tomatoes and cucumbers, dressed with olive or vegetable oil. You can eat salad in any quantity.

Dinner: a glass of milk with a teaspoon of honey.

4 day

Breakfast: v oat flakes and tea.

Lunch: any vegetables without restrictions.

Supper: any fruit, except bananas, in quantity - 500 g.

5 day

Breakfast: fruit yoghurt, a bowl of cottage cheese and 1 orange.

Lunch: salad from fresh cabbage, one egg boiled in a hard boiled.

Dinner: a piece of cheese and a glass of yogurt.

Finally, I want to say that a diet for a teenager becomes effective when an adult develops proper eating habits. Only this, and even a strong motivation to become healthy and well-proportioned, can force a teenager to buy himself not in chips and sweets in the school buffet, but juice and yogurt.