Sarcoidosis Becca

Beck's sarcoidosis is a systemic disease, the cause of which is unknown until today. It is characterized by the formation of granulomas, rapidly spreading through the organs of the patient. But most often, Sarcoidosis Beck is localized in the lungs, as well as on the skin in the form of erythema nodosum. With regard to the lungs, this pathology develops non-infectious pneumonitis and alveolitis.

When the disease progresses, there is a clear violation of the ventilation of the lungs. Enlarged lymph nodes can exert pressure on the bronchi, which leads to obstructive disorders.

Treatment of Beck sarcoidosis

Pathology has three stages. They differ from each other in the magnitude and location of the foci of inflammation. If for the sarcoidosis of Beck 1 degree of therapy may not be appointed, then the next two are treated according to the following scheme:

During the initial stage, the patient is registered and followed by a dynamic observation about six months. As a rule, Bek's sarcoidosis disease is characterized by spontaneous remission. Therapy is indicated only in acute conditions complicated by rapid development and the generalized form of granulomas.

Symptoms of Beck sarcoidosis

The pathology developing in the lungs, first of all gives a cough, discomfort in the chest and shortness of breath. The general symptoms of Beck's disease are also:

For an accurate diagnosis of the disease, a number of tests are prescribed, including:

All analyzes are performed to exclude more complex pathologies and to establish the dynamics of development of nodules in tissues.