Why do you fester your eyes?

The appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes is most often detected in the morning after sleep. This is an alarming symptom that requires treatment. in some cases, it can lead to loss of vision. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by reddening of the eyes, itching, burning, sensation of a foreign body, as well as photophobia. Consider why the eyes in the mornings of adults can be strongly and often festering.

Causes of pus from the eyes

Eye puff is a consequence of conjunctivitis - inflammation of the mucosa, which can be bacterial or mixed in nature (viral-bacterial, allergic-bacterial).

In case of allergic conjunctivitis due to various irritants (dust, wool, etc.), and viral, associated with the penetration of viruses in the eye tissue ( adenoviruses , enteroviruses, herpes, etc.), pus is isolated as a result of attachment of bacterial microflora. This can occur when rubbing itchy, inflamed eyes with poorly washed hands. Bacterial agents of conjunctivitis in most cases are the following microorganisms:

Why do your eyes fester with colds?

Inflammation of the eyes with suppuration often occurs as a complication of colds. This most often occurs with a weakened immune system, lack of treatment or inadequate cold therapy. Conjunctivitis with suppuration can affect both one and both eyes.

As a rule, purulent conjunctivitis responds well to treatment, and in most cases, therapy is limited to local remedies in the form of eye ointments, gels, drops with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In more severe cases, systemic antibiotic therapy may be necessary.