Munich sausages

Famous Munich sausages conquered eaters not only with their taste, but also with a strange appearance - they are completely white. Unusual for sausage products due to the fact that these sausages are not fried, and brewed (with the possibility of subsequent roasting) in order that the thin pork intestine does not burst. The sausages themselves have the simplest composition, which includes a mixture of meat with fat and simple spices .

Munich sausages - recipe

Usually, the meat component of sausages includes a mixture of minced pork, veal and a small amount of fat with pork skin. To the meat mixture add the original additions like ground cardamom, ginger and lemon zest.



Before preparing the Munich sausages, prepare the pig's guts by thoroughly cleansing and rinsing them.

Pork skin boil in a liter of slightly salted water for about 15 minutes, then cool and twist. After twirling veal with pork, whisk them with a blender and a half chopped ice, rind and spices into a homogeneous paste-like stuffing. The remaining ice whisk separately and mix with minced meat, sprinkling twisted skin and greens. Cooling forcemeat for at least an hour, distribute it in the gut with the help of a special nozzle for the meat grinder. Form sausages, twisting the gut at an equal distance, try to distribute minced meat so that sausages are not stuffed too tightly and do not burst during cooking.

Munich sausages are boiled for half an hour at a constant temperature of 80 degrees. After cooking, they are placed in ice water until completely cooled.

White Munich sausages - recipe



Having twisted both kinds of meat, put the received forcemeat in blender together with other components, then beat, gradually pouring in about 900 ml of ice water. Adding liquid during whipping will help emulsify minced meat.

Put sausages in water with a temperature of 80 degrees and cook for 15 minutes. Next, bake Munich sausages in the oven for about 20 minutes at 190 degrees.