"Demiglas" sauce

The "Demiglas" sauce is an invention of French chefs. In fact, it is a broth concentrate from beef (less often other) bones, supplemented with vegetables, tomato and spices. This is the perfect base for other delicious sauces for meat and fish, as well as an indispensable addition to many first courses and side dishes.

To prepare the "Demiglas" sauce you will need to be patient and give the lion's share of your time for this, since this process is rather long, albeit low-cost.

"Demiglas" sauce is a recipe for cooking



As a rule, beef bones and limbs are used for making the sauce. They need to be washed, carefully laid on a baking tray and sent to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees until the acquisition of intense and rich golden color. Burned bones are now placed in a large pot of ten liters and poured into the eyeballs with purified water. We place the vessel on a strong fire, let the contents boil well, and then adjust the intensity of the burner to such a level that the broth in the pan does not bubble, but only gives signs of movement. Bones should languish, and not boil. Cover the container with the workpiece is not covered and leave to evaporate in volume approximately twice. As a rule, if you put the bones on the stove in the morning, - by the evening we will get the desired result.

We are now preparing vegetables. We clean carrots, garlic teeth and bulbs, cut the components arbitrarily, but medium-sized and fry them on vegetable without flavor oil in the pan, depending on its size portionwise or immediately all to softness. At the end of the frying, add the tomato paste, let's all together a little more and put it into the pan with the bones after reaching the required evaporated result. Again, add water. The pan should be filled with bones, vegetables and broth three-quarters of the entire volume. We put the vessel again on the stove, pour in the red dry wine and after boiling again reduce the heat for the languor of the components. If there is no way to leave the workpiece for a slow preparation for the night, then continue to prepare the sauce the next day in the morning.

After the mass is boiled and reduced in volume by a factor of two, we extract bones from it, and we also harvest vegetables and grind them through a sieve. Blender in this case can be used if you are sure that the fragments from the bones did not fall into the vegetable mass. Better still in this case, do not be lazy and use a smaller sieve.

Filter the remaining broth in the saucepan and mix it with the resulting mashed potatoes. Again, put the vessel on a slow fire and weld the sauce to a thick texture. Of the specified number of components should be about one and a half liters of sauce, which is ready and optionally seasoned with salt and pepper.

The composition of the "Demiglas" sauce can be varied by adding spices and spices. Most commonly used, rosemary, thyme, various kinds of peppers and cloves.

Taking as a basis the concentrated sauce "Demiglas", you can cook a delicious creamy sauce for meat steaks or other meat dishes.

Cream-meat sauce "Demiglas"



Initially, we pass the previously cleaned and chopped onions in a mixture of olive and butter, then pour the wine and evaporate it for about five minutes. Now pour in the cream, heat for a minute, add the "Demiglas" sauce, stir until it is evenly distributed.