Diet for pancreatitis - menu

The pancreas is responsible for two vital functions. First of all, this body is responsible for producing the lion's share of digestive enzymes, and without their participation digestion is impossible. Secondly, the pancreas is an insulin synthesizer. Accordingly, with the extinction of this function, there is diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which arises from a failure in the excretion of enzymes. Instead of sending them to the intestines, the enzymes, having become more active, remain inside the organ, and begin to erode it from the inside.

In this case, intoxication occurs - the ingestion of enzymes and particles of the corroded organ into the blood.

Difference in diet with different forms of pancreatitis

The diet menu for pancreatitis depends on the form of the disease. The acute form speaks of, for the time being, a one-time attack, after which, with proper treatment, there is still the opportunity to restore the functions of the pancreas. Treatment begins with a "hungry" diet - in the first days the patient does not eat anything. The patient is given analgesics, drugs that block the activity of enzymes, saline solutions. Further the patient gradually passes to the menu of a diet 5П widely applied at an acute pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis means that the pancreas, although slowly (with careful treatment), but still persistent, will degenerate.

The diet menu for chronic pancreatitis is much less severe than in the acute form. The disease is slow and sometimes imperceptible. Diet consists of restrictions on products that require a strong secretion of enzymes for digestion. In fact, this is the same diet № 5P, only with the addition of vitamin complexes and the treatment of concomitant diseases. Often pancreatitis occurs on the basis of cholelithiasis, and even more often, it contributes to the onset of diabetes.

There is another form of the disease - jet pancreatitis. This form is often confused with acute. However, in acute pancreatitis, an attack occurs as a result of destruction of the pancreatic tissue, with hemorrhages and suppuration. A reactive pancreatitis is a narrowing of the pancreatic duct for a number of reasons - gastrointestinal diseases, alcohol intake, overeating, prolonged stress . This leads to partial necrosis of the tissues. Symptoms of this form are the taste of bile in the mouth, cutting pains, vomiting, belching.

The diet menu for reactive pancreatitis is the same as for other forms of the disease. After all, the purpose of the diet is to exclude products that contribute to exacerbation of the disease.


Therapeutic diet is prescribed for a month or more, because the pancreas is restored long enough. We suggest you use the following diet menu for pancreatitis for a week:

The first meal is 7 options:

Second meal:

Third meal:

Fourth meal:

Fifth meal:

Sixth meal (alternate):

