Parkinson's disease - how to notice the first manifestations and what to expect next?

Information on the trembling paralysis or Parkinson's disease, which was first described in 1817, appeared several centuries before the official recognition. This disease, known to many in the form of twitching of limbs, affects people of advanced age, but sometimes it can occur in young people.

Parkinson's disease - the causes of

Modern scientists around the world are unsuccessfully trying to establish the exact causes and to find an opportunity to prevent Parkinson's disease, the causes of which are vague and diverse. Here are some of the most common of them:

Stages of Parkinson's Disease

The trembling of the hands and the gradual paralysis, called Parkinson's disease, characteristic of the death of the black matter of the brain, has its stages of development. In common practice, there are three:

  1. Early Parkinson's disease , when brain damage is insignificant and only such isolated symptoms as tremor of hands are observed. This stage is amenable to correction.
  2. The unfolded stage of the disease can still be partially corrected with levodopa preparations and dopamine receptor antagonists; the symptoms of this stage are already expressed clearly, they can not be confused with another disease.
  3. The late stage of Parkinson's disease is characterized by a complete lack of coordination of movements of all parts of the body, a sharp decrease in the patient's socialization.

In more detail, the stages of the disease are described in Hy-Yar, which began to be used in 1967, and later were constantly supplemented. Parkinson's disease is the following stages:

  1. Zero , when a person is absolutely healthy.
  2. The first or the initial. It is characterized by minor changes in only one hand, which are sometimes accompanied by a violation of smell, a bad mood, problems with sleep.
  3. Half or an intermediate stage is a tremor of one hand and problems with one part of the trunk (right or left). At night, the tremor completely disappears. There are problems with handwriting - the letters become small. Steps are not so sweeping, there is pain in the upper back, neck.
  4. The second stage. Violation of visions is already noticeable in both parts of the trunk and extremities. The most elementary acts of servicing oneself become slow, but the person is still coping with them. There may be trembling of the tongue, lower jaw, causing involuntary drooling. Sweating undergoes changes - the skin either becomes too wet or vice versa - dry.
  5. The third stage willy-nilly forces to pay attention of associates to the patient. A person moves in small "puppet" steps, in parallel rearranging the feet. The back is half-bent, the head is lowered, the knees are also in a half-bent state. The patient at the same time feels fights in the muscles because of the inability to control and relax them. The head moves in a nod-up-down or right-to-left direction. Joints do not unbend smoothly, but work, as a gear mechanism - jerks. The person is confused in speech turns, it is difficult for him to concentrate attention.
  6. The fourth stage is characterized by the blurredness of speech, which becomes more and more vague, nasal. A person who is diagnosed with Parkinson's disease can no longer self-service - dress, get out of bed, prepare food. It is increasingly difficult to maintain balance, frequent falls, including at night from the bed.
  7. Fifth stage (last). During it a person is already completely dependent on others. He does not feed himself, he is fed through a special spoon. The patient can only move on a wheelchair because he can not sit and stand alone. Speech becomes absolutely illegible, there is senile dementia. At this stage, patients can end their life.

Forms of Parkinson's Disease

The disease does not go very fast, changing its forms over time. If one diagnosis was initially made, then after a while it can be changed. Here are some forms of the disease:

Parkinson's disease - symptoms

In most cases, signs of Parkinson's disease do not appear immediately, but increase gradually. In the early stages they are single and often not taken into account, as they are easily confused with a general malaise, with age-related changes. Uninformed people believe that tremor or trembling of the hands is the main symptom of this disease. In fact, this is not so, and the symptomatology is extensive. Therefore at the first suspicions it is necessary to address to the qualified expert that in time to put the correct diagnosis.

Parkinson's disease - the first signs

If suddenly a person has a feeling that something is wrong with him, one should compare his state with anxious bells when Parkinson's disease symptoms and signs, which are extensive, can be decompensated with modern medications. Such deviations include:

Parkinson's disease at a young age

Under the influence of various adverse factors or heredity Parkinson's disease in young (20-40 years) occurs in the same way as in the elderly. In most cases, the onset of the disease is not characterized by tremor and rigidity. At this age are often depressive disorders, mood changes, problems with memory and concentration of attention. It is more difficult to work with precise mechanisms and memorize large amounts of information. This is often written off as fatigue.

Parkinson's disease is a disease in the elderly

It is believed that Parkinson's disease is a disease of the elderly. This error is incorrect, although in old age the disease occurs in the vast majority of cases. For many people who have crossed the line in 50 years, the threat of this disease is increasing every day. The main factor that can affect the onset of the disease is a hereditary predisposition, which predicts disability in 20% of cases due to Parkinson's disease. In this case, along with drug therapy, people's treatment of Parkinson's disease is used.

Parkinson's disease - how many live with it?

Disappointing diagnosis Parkinson's disease, life expectancy at which is directly proportional to the rate of manifestation of various symptoms, frightens all patients. The dying out of the black matter of the brain can be swift, or sluggish. It depends on the causes of the disease, on the timely treatment, but in most cases it is difficult to predict. Doctors give the patient an average of 10 years of life, but sometimes this figure ranges from 7 to 15 years. Another life expectancy depends on the age of the patient.

Parkinson's disease - diagnosis

It is not always possible to correctly diagnose Parkinson's disease on the first attempt. Because of the blurred symptoms, precious time is often missed and then secondary signs of the disease develop. After the suspicion of the disease has arisen, the doctor carefully studies the patient's anamnesis and on the basis of it draws conclusions, placing the person on the dispensary account. Here such syndromes of Parkinson's disease should alert the alleged patient and his relatives:

How to treat Parkinson's disease

Treatment of Parkinson's disease is long and complex. It depends on the patient's age, stage of the disease, his emotional state and other factors. The complex of therapeutic measures includes:

Parkinson's disease - drugs

Parkinson's disease, treatment at home which effectively requires the appointment of a number of drugs that are prescribed depending on the stage of the disease. The list includes:

Parkinson's disease - folk remedies

In addition to medicines, the treatment of Parkinson's disease with folk remedies is also welcomed even by ophocial medicine. Herbal preparations soothe the nervous system, helping to relieve muscle tone and ease pain. Patients drink as medicinal infusions and decoctions, and take herbal baths. For this purpose, such plants are used:

Parkinson's disease - new in treatment

Despite the fact that modern medicines have been developed, among which Levodopa leads, scientists are looking for something new in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Such a breakthrough in medicine was the discovery of surgical treatment of parkinsonism. With the help of surgery on the brain can remove symptoms of tremors, rigidity, significantly improve the quality of life and prolong it, defeating the insidious disease of Parkinson.