How to pickle ceps?

White mushrooms are undoubtedly the best representative of the mushroom kingdom. They are good both in independent dishes, and as a component of any gastronomic combination. Outside of competition they are also in pickled form. We'll talk about this later and tell you how to pickle the white mushrooms for the winter.

Marinated mushrooms for the winter - recipe


For marinade based on 1 liter of liquid:


White mushrooms are washed under cold running water, we separate the caps from the legs, they will be used for pickling, and if necessary cut them into several parts. The legs can be subsequently cleaned and applied to prepare other dishes.

In a wide enameled container, sized according to the number of mushrooms, we pour filtered water, heat it to a boil, add citric acid, based on two grams per one kilogram of mushrooms, and let it dissolve. We put cut hats and cook on moderate fire, stirring, after full repeated boiling, fifteen minutes. Ready mushrooms should sink to the bottom.

While mushrooms are cooked, we prepare marinade at the same time. It will take about two hundred milliliters per one liter of the billet. We measure the necessary amount of water, adding a little to the evaporation, add salt, granulated sugar, throw laurel leaves, fragrant pepper peas, clove buds and stand on fire after boiling for fifteen minutes. Then pour in the vinegar and, if desired, throw the peeled and sliced ​​garlic.

We unfold the boiled hats of mushrooms on previously prepared sterile dry jars and pour the marinade. Then we proceed according to how long the storage is planned to be stored. If the mushrooms are used for two months, then immediately roll up the jars with sterile lids and place them in an inverted form under a warm blanket until completely cooled. If longer storage is assumed, then in each jar we pour in one tablespoon of vinegar and vegetable oil, cover with lids and sterilize the containers in boiling water for thirty-five minutes and only after that we seal and determine for storage.

A set of spices when pickling white mushrooms is not basic and you can vary it according to your preferences, replacing some spices with others or cutting their set to a minimum. Garlic is often added to the preforms, which will later be used to make salads.

Delicious marinated mushrooms for the winter without sterilization - the best recipe



My white mushrooms, we separate the hats, we leave the small ones whole, and the large ones are cut into several parts. Warm up the boiling water, lay the prepared mushrooms, and cook, stirring and taking off the foam, for ten minutes.

Then remove the mushrooms with noise in a clean container, decoction filter, add salt, granulated sugar, buds of cloves, peas of black and fragrant pepper, laurel leaves and boil for fifteen minutes, adding a very little clean water to evaporation. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar and let it boil for a minute.

Mushrooms in the meantime, laid out in advance sterilized dry jars, laying first on the bottom of the ring onions, and pour boiling marinade, previously removing the laurel leaves. We roll up the containers with sterile dry lids, turn the billet upside down and thoroughly wrap it with a warm blanket until it cools down completely.