How to check the small intestine?

In modern medicine there are different methods of how to test the small intestine for the presence of certain diseases. For this, X-ray studies, ultrasound, tomography, endoscopy, etc. can be performed.

How can you check the small intestine for pathologies?

The examination begins after consultation of the doctor, after listening to your complaints, they will be asked to do an x-ray of the abdominal cavity on their grounds if there are suspicions of obstruction, dyskinesia or enteritis of the intestine. But this requires preparatory measures in the form of a two-week diet (liquid and mashed porridge cooked on the water). Before the study itself, it will be necessary to starve at about 36 hours at all and make a cleansing enema. Such measures are necessary for the small intestine to be maximally empty by the time the X-ray passes. Another 3-4 hours before the procedure, the patient will be given a barium mixture to detect abnormalities in the small intestine, since she does not miss X-rays.

When endoscopic examination, a special capsule with a video camera is inserted into the intestine, which will display the video footage of the condition of the mucous membranes of the organ on the screen. This is one of the most informative methods of examination, but due to the lack of necessary equipment in many clinics, it is not performed or the doctor recommends a hospital institution where such an opportunity exists.

The ultrasound can show foreign inclusions, the location of the organ and other pathologies, but this method will not give a 100% accurate result, and in people with overweight can further distort the data.

Examination of the small intestine for the presence of malignant tumors

In case of suspicion of cancer, you should check the small intestine for a tumor on the oncologist who can prescribe for this:

Also, instead of these studies, doctors often appoint such an unloved patient a procedure like a colonoscopy , without which it is more difficult to check the small intestine for cancer.

It is not necessary to refuse from the proposed procedures, since it is impossible to check the small intestine at home on oncology, as in principle, other organs.

And also do not recommend looking for options for examination, and even more so for the treatment of diseases without the help of traditional medicine, for various healers and other pseudo-healers. Since the effectiveness of such methods has not been proved by anyone, this can lead to a loss of time and to reduce the chances of a successful outcome.