Castor oil for weight loss

In the modern world, the concepts of beauty and harmony have become practically synonymous, and therefore ladies invent new ways to get the desired thinness. So we got to castor oil, and it's not a diet with its use instead of the usual oil, but a systematic intake of castor oil for weight loss. So can you lose weight with castor oil and how to take it right? These questions require an immediate response.

Weight loss with castor oil

Not all specialists recognize the effectiveness and the possibility of using castor oil for weight loss. After some time ago it was used as a laxative, and it is clear that if you abuse castor oil, nothing good will come of it. And with this one can not but agree, because excessive consumption of castor oil will cause upset stomach, which will affect the body negatively - the result will be dehydration and loss of vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, laxatives, and castor oil including, for weight loss is not the best option.

Supporters of the use of castor oil for weight loss, in contrast, believe that castor oil will help the body to purify itself of toxins and toxins, can normalize the intestinal flora, which is so necessary for those who constantly sit on different diets and thereby disrupt the proper functioning of the intestine. And most importantly, castor oil helps in a difficult matter of losing weight, but only in combination with physical activities and diets.

Analyzing the above, we draw the following conclusions. First, castor oil can be taken only as a laxative - no supernatural ability to break down fats and instantly release the body from extra pounds, castor oil does not. Secondly, castor oil will be useful to people experiencing digestive problems due to unbalanced nutrition. Especially this applies to those who sit on a protein diet, in this case, castor oil will help the body cope with a large amount of protein foods (the absence of fat and carbohydrates in the diet will not favorably take on each digestive tract). But a beneficial effect will be provided only if castor oil is used correctly.

How to use castor oil?

There are several ways to take castor oil to fight unwanted kilograms, but they are all aimed at cleansing the body, so you need to be prepared for the consequences. Usually the laxative effect occurs 5-6 hours after admission, but the sensitivity of the intestines is different for all. It is also worth remembering that castor oil has an unpleasant taste, so you will either have to endure, or buy oil in capsules or in the form of an emulsion.

The first way to use castor oil is daily intake of 2-3 teaspoons of castor oil before breakfast for a week. After you need to make a week break and go back to taking castor oil, again for a week.

The second way to receive castor oil is to arrange for the body a day of cleansing. For this, you need to drink 1.5-2 tablespoons of castor oil in the morning and wait for the results. Such an experiment, of course, needs to be done on a day for which nothing is planned.

The third way will help reduce the appetite and sugar content in the blood. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil and 1 teaspoon of dry chicory root powder. Take this mixture should be in the mornings, for a month.

To improve lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, it is recommended to take castor oil in a mixture with linseed. To do this, you need to drink a teaspoon of each oil and drink this mixture with a glass of cold water.

And for a one-time disposal of constipation and normalization of the intestinal flora, it is recommended to mix a teaspoon of castor oil with a tablespoon of low-fat kefir and the same amount of powdered bran.