Gedelix drops

With a problem like coughing from time to time, everyone has to face. This misfortune spares neither children nor adults. There are a lot of drugs for treating cough today. One of the most popular means are Gedelix drops. This is a drop of vegetable origin, and therefore can be applied to almost everyone. Their main advantage is in naturalness. That is, they treat effectively, without harming the body.

What kind of cough can Gedelix be used for?

Drops Gedelix have a powerful anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. The composition of the drug is an extract of ivy and anise oil . These components contribute to the early dissolution of sputum. Gedelix drops reduce inflammation and relieve spasm. Thanks to the unique properties of the drug, the patient's well-being is markedly improved, and sputum is more likely to clear his throat.

Gedelix drops are prescribed in the following cases:

  1. The remedy helps to cough with different catarrhal and viral diseases: bronchitis, pharyngitis, SARS, laryngitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, asthma and others.
  2. Gedelix best cope with a dry cough . Dense sputum liquefies, and in this form leaves the bronchi much faster.
  3. Gedelix drops are prescribed and from a wet cough. The drug prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, than quickly slows down the disease.

How to take Gedelix drops?

Although the drug is considered harmless, it is still recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment (especially if it is a child's treatment). In general, drops are recommended to be taken three times a day. The average dose is calculated depending on the age of the patient. For example, children under 10 years are recommended to drink Gedelix for 21 drops at a time. For adults, however, the dosage increases and is 31 drops.

To get rid of a cough with the help of drops Gedelix can, only adhering to the prescribed course of treatment. Continue to take the medicine you need even after the disappearance of a cough for a couple of days. The optimal duration of the treatment course is at least a week.

If for any reason you can not take Gedelix, you can choose a replacement for the drug. Like most drugs today, Gedelix has many analogues. The most popular and effective are the following: