Asthma in children - signs and symptoms of a threatening condition

Asthma in children has signs and symptoms that are inherent in diseases caused by viral infections. For example, it can be an obstruction in the background of ARVI . To asthma, such attacks have no relation. To alleviate the condition of the child, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and begin treatment.

Bronchial asthma in a child - causes

To know how to deal with the disease, it is necessary to clearly identify the factor that provokes it. Bronchial asthma in a child is caused by the following reasons:

Atopic asthma

In fact, it is an allergic form of the disease. Such asthma in children (signs and symptoms in it is pronounced) is considered the most common. For this disease, a pathogenic triggering mechanism is characteristic. After a short time after the allergen enters the body, the first symptoms of the disease start to show themselves rapidly. Allergic asthma is provoked by the following factors:

Non-atopic asthma in children

This kind of ailment is provoked by a variety of causes. Such asthma in a child is caused by the following "provocateurs":

Asthma in a child - symptoms

There are 3 forms of the disease:

With each form, bronchial asthma in children has slightly different symptoms. In addition, the manifested symptoms directly depend on the age of the child. Up to one year, one symptomatology, from 1 to 6 years - is somewhat different. However, if asthma is diagnosed in a child, the symptoms in children do not manifest as a rise in body temperature. The precursors of the disease will help to judge the problem.

How asthma begins in children - the first symptoms

All ill children have the same forerunners. Children badly sleep. They become irritated, frightened by their condition and nervous. Here's how asthma begins (symptoms in children):

  1. In the morning, the child has a strong discharge of watery mucus from the nose. He often sneezes and rubs his eyes.
  2. After a couple of hours, a dry cough begins. He is still weak.
  3. After lunch, the dry cough turns to wet.
  4. After 24-48 hours, the symptomatology becomes worse. The cough gets spasmodic.

Attack of bronchial asthma in children - symptoms

In infants of the first year of life, the ailment is accompanied by the following symptoms:

If an asthma attack occurs, the symptoms of a child older than one year are as follows:

Diagnosis of bronchial asthma in children

This is a whole complex of activities aimed at identifying the cause of the disease. Having determined exactly what is the provoker of the disease, it is easier for a doctor to choose an effective therapy. Diagnosis of bronchial asthma includes the following procedures:

When diagnosing an illness, the doctor pays great attention to the words of his parents. Any complaints of crumbs should not be ignored. During the illness, the baby has no appetite, there is a bad circulation of blood, because of which he becomes pale. In severe attacks, the skin of the face and lips become bluish. When asthma is diagnosed in children, signs and symptoms are all taken into account (nothing can be overlooked). For this reason, it is important to observe the parents and their cooperation with the doctor.

Asthma - what to do?

Therapy for this disease should be comprehensive and immediate. Treatment of bronchial asthma in children includes the following activities:

Drug treatment is represented by two therapeutic courses:

To stop seizures, bronchodilators are used . In most cases, they are addictive, so long-term use of such drugs is prohibited. In addition, it is important to accurately observe the dosage prescribed by the doctor. To such medicines carry:

After the discovery of asthma in children, which has the appropriate signs and symptoms, small patients are prescribed basic therapy. Such treatment involves the use of the following drug groups:

More often prescribed such antibiotics:

To suppress allergies, the following drugs are prescribed:

Hormonal drugs that can be prescribed for asthma in children:

Stabilize the cell membrane is helped by such medicines:

How to relieve an asthma attack?

To get rid of suffocation will help the inhaler, which is "charged" with a special medication. Prescribe a drug should a doctor. To make the right appointment, he can only after the diagnostic procedures confirm that this is indeed a bronchial asthma in a child, the symptoms must also correspond to the description of the ailment.

If there were no medications at hand, then removing an asthma attack at home is a question that most worries the parents of a small patient. People's means will help in this. They are easy to prepare and safe. However, they should be used with extreme caution, because the attack occurred in a small patient, not an adult. Here the main rule is not to harm!

Solution for relieving spasms


Preparation, use:

  1. Water is boiled and set aside for a couple of minutes. The liquid should be hot, but not boiling water.
  2. Add soda and iodine to the water.
  3. Breathe over the reservoir.

You can remove an attack at home with an onion compress. It will require 1 large root crop. Peeled onions are rubbed on a fine grater or in a blender it is ground into a gruel. The resulting mass is distributed on a polyethylene film and applied to the back of the child. A similar effect has a compress made from garlic mass and a small amount of vegetable oil.

How to relieve an asthma attack without medication?

You can get rid of suffocation without resorting to medication and folk "drugs". Here's how to relieve an asthma attack without an inhaler:

  1. The kid needs to sit down and relax. With an attack, breathing out is difficult, and this procedure will help to normalize breathing.
  2. Parents need to learn to switch the attention of the baby.
  3. Perform respiratory gymnastics (deep inhale-exhalation).

In addition, minimize the number of attacks will help the following tips:

  1. It is necessary to protect the baby from "provocateurs".
  2. You should get rid of synthetic bedding.
  3. It is often necessary to remove the child to fresh air.