What do women think?

Oh, how many men wondered about what women think? Many of them even in the evening with friends would sacrifice only to find out what is going on in the head of the beloved.

How do women think?

To answer the question about what women think, it is worthwhile to understand what distinguishes the female type of thinking from the male. In the same situation, women's thoughts will differ from the thoughts of men. And it's not that someone is smarter, but someone is stupider, just men and women have different ways of thinking.

Logical men are more involved in the left hemisphere of the brain, which helps them to build a clear chain of actions on the way to the goal. If a man faces a goal, then practically all of his thoughts will be focused on ways to achieve this goal. Also, men like to think for the sake of the process itself, to topics that are abstracted from the actual reality, so there are so many representatives of the strong half of humanity among philosophers.

And what hemisphere do women think? Right, imaginative. Therefore, the woman's thoughts will not revolve around one question - she will have time to think about the annual report, and about what shoes to buy on March 8, and what her husband will be fed today. Ladies do not like to develop step-by-step instructions to achieve a goal, they see a general picture and know when to intervene. Therefore, often the actions of women seem inconsistent, completely unrelated to each other. There is even such a saying "women do not think, they're plotting." Because to reflect on the theme of world peace or about the classical philosophy of Kant most of the ladies are not interested - this can not help them in any way in the material world. But to devise a grandiose combination to get a tangible benefit for yourself, it's like a woman.

Is it any wonder that with such different approaches to thinking, men and women can not understand each other? To help the ladies in this way, Steve Harvey (known in the US TV presenter of the program on the attitude of the sexes) wrote the book "Do as a woman, think like a man". In it the author teaches the ladies to understand the representatives of the strong half of humanity, but at the same time advises not to adopt the male manner of behavior. Thus, a woman will always remain a woman, but will be saved from a series of disappointments associated with erroneous opinions about the masculine character.

What do women think about sex?

Before that, we talked about women's communication in general terms, but most of all we are interested in the relationship of the sexes. And of course, we are interested in knowing what women think about sex.

  1. First, it is worth dispelling the myth that ladies do not think about sex often, and such reflections are peculiar only to lascivious males. According to the results of opinion polls, women think about sex approximately 34 times during the working day, which is approximately every 15 minutes. In addition, 70% of women interviewed say that they spend on sexual fantasies about an hour every day.
  2. If men found out what women think, during sex, they would hang themselves. If a man thinks during sex about the process, then the lady at this moment can pay attention to the lover and reflect on completely extraneous things - about what still has to be done today, how the bed creaks terribly and what the neighbors think about it. A third of women periodically present on the site of their partner another man, some even forget and call their lover a stranger's name.
  3. Women do not always see wedding as a continuation of sex, children and grandchildren. Ladies also know how to have sex for the sake of the process, and in our time, only 16-year-old girls who are crazy about the love story of Edward and Bella are affected by the excess of romanticism. About 33% of the respondents said that they have a kind of "911", according to which they can call to have sex, when "the body requires".
  4. About a third of women are dissatisfied with their intimate life, and change it prevents a habit, a sense of responsibility and other irrational female zamorochki.

And finally: the thoughts of a beautiful woman can not be understood by any man, and if he could, he would be torn to pieces - intriguers do not need competitors.