Pregnancy 14-15 weeks

At the gestational age of 14-15 weeks, the cardiovascular system of the fetus is well developed, and through its thin skin with ultrasound, you can see the largest vessels. The heart works quite actively and pumps about 20 liters of blood per day. It is because of this intense blood flow that the skin is red.

The main changes in the fetus

On the 14-15th week of pregnancy, the baby's bowel activation activates, which is accompanied by the release of bile, which in turn enters the large intestine. In the future, the first feces of the child will be formed from it.

Because the kidneys of the fetus begin to work more actively, the act of emptying the bladder occurs much more often. Despite this, the fetus feels quite comfortable in the amniotic fluid , which is cleared up to 10 times a day.

At the 14-15th week of fetal development, the respiratory system becomes perfect. During this very time a small organism actively develops and trains muscles, including the respiratory ones. This is due to the fact that the fetus periodically periodically swallows and spits out the amniotic fluid. These exercises contribute to the formation of lung tissue, thus preparing the respiratory system for the first inhalation.

A child at 14-15 weeks begins a very important stage of development - the cortex is formed. This process lasts throughout the month. That's why a woman should exclude any harmful effects on her body. Both hemispheres of the brain are covered with grooves and convolutions. At the same time, nerve cells begin their division, which ultimately ends in the formation of the nervous system.

At the term of pregnancy 14-15 weeks begins the formation of the endocrine system. Actively begin to work glands, in particular, sebaceous and sweaty. By this time, the fetus can already react to the food that was eaten by his mother, since the taste receptors are finally formed.

At 14-15 weeks, the fetal vocal cords are already fully formed. It is at this time that the opening of the glottis opens.

How does the future mother change?

To the visible changes observed in the pregnant woman, one can attribute the appearance of a brown line that stretches from the umbilical ring to the pubis. Its appearance is easily explained by the fact that, in view of the change in the total hormonal background, a greater separation of the melanin pigment occurs, because of which the band is formed. She disappears on her own after the woman gives birth.

At 14-15 weeks gestation the stomach is already quite visible. Every day, its dimensions only increase. That's why a woman begins to revise her wardrobe to feel comfortable, since old clothes are already small.

By this time, as a rule, the exact date of birth has already been known. It is established by means of research by the method of ultrasound diagnostics. In addition, in the course of this survey, pathologies in development can be detected. If they are found at 14-15 weeks, abortion, as a rule, is no longer performed. An exception can only be social indications and possible disability of the fetus.

The presence of blood discharge at the 14-15 week of pregnancy can be a signal to the threat of termination of pregnancy . When they appear, a woman should consult a doctor without delay. In the case of bleeding, doctors clean the uterus, that is, they perform a surgical abortion. Otherwise, this condition can lead to the death of a pregnant woman.