If you want to stay healthy, do not eat these foods!

Of course, we all need food. Sometimes I want to pamper myself with something so tasty.

For us it is important that the food was not only delicious, aromatic, but also looked fantastic appetizing, and in addition was useful. Unfortunately, some products from which you get unthinkable pleasure, and taste buds are delighted, are full of ingredients that are harmful to your health. So, if you want to live a long life, carefully read the composition on the labels and do not forget about the list of the products below.

1. Sweets with glaze

If you are a real fan of cakes, cakes and other delicacies covered with sweet glaze, remember that it includes dangerous trans fats, harmful additives that increase the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, trans fats will play a cruel joke with you if you are trying to lose weight.

2. Sandwiches

Purchased sandwiches, it would seem, are a real salvation for office workers and all those who want a quick and delicious snack. You know, it's better to spend a couple of minutes and cook a sandwich at home than to eat a huge amount of extra calories for lunch (about 400 instead of 200).

3. Soy sauce

Think twice, is it really worth buying soy sauce. Of course, sushi without it is not so tasty. True, it is not only high in calories, but also contains a lot of harmful salt, which raises blood pressure and dehydrates the body.

4. Food with artificial sweeteners

Food with artificial sweeteners is very, very harmful, even though it is low-calorie. It seems, it sounds unconvincing? Okay, over time, it causes kidney failure.

5. Breakfast cereals

Continuing the conversation about sweet foods, we should mention quick breakfasts, air rings, which many like to pour hot milk. Maybe, they contain some vitamins, but for breakfast you get a daily sugar rate. In addition, these yummies add a couple of kilograms.

6. Canned food

For many canned peas, corn, peaches or pineapple slices are a real food passion. If you can do without them, a great alternative will be fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. After all, the biggest problem is tin cans. The longer they store products, the more likely that, for example, canned tomatoes are full of bisphenol A. It is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone estrogen. It negatively affects the genital function in both men and women.

7. Ketchup and mayonnaise

Do you have mayonnaise and ketchup in your fridge? Mayonnaise, for example, is very high in calories (about 400-600 calories). It consists of genetically modified soy, artificial flavor enhancers and preservatives. In ketchup a lot of sugar, dyes, causing allergies, and sharp spices exacerbate the diseases of the digestive tract.

8. Microwave popcorn

Popcorn, cooked in a microwave, contains perfluorooctanoic acid and diacetyl. These chemicals cause infertility and increase the likelihood of cancer.

9. White bread

White bread is harmful and everyone knows about it. It is baked from purified flour, in which there is not a drop of useful substances (in contrast to rye or whole-grain).

10. Margarine

Of course, you can put a small piece of margarine in baking, but it's better to completely forget about it. It is made from hydrogenated vegetable oil, overfilled with trans fats. This suggests that margarine is the source of bad cholesterol, which adversely affects your figure and increases the risk of stroke and heart failure.

11. Protein fitness bars

"How so?" - You ask with bewilderment. It turns out that most of these snacks are stuffed with sugar and fats, and therefore, before buying, carefully study the composition.

12. Purchased juices

Juices from the boxes will never equal the freshly squeezed home. Why? Yes, simply because they have a lot of sweeteners, dyes. They raise blood sugar levels and are one of the causes of heart disease. Of course, there is real vegetable or fruit juice in them, but only 10%.