20 products that do not affect the figure, even if they are at night

How to be full after 6 pm and yet not recover? To this question, we decided to help people who follow their figure and are on a constant diet.

It turns out that there are a number of low-calorie foods that you can eat even at night, without fear of gaining extra pounds. And some vegetables or fruits can be cooked simply. But, of course, the main thing is still not to overeat.

1. Mushrooms

We used to think that mushrooms are a heavy product for the stomach, so it's caloric. But this is not so, the mushrooms contain not so many calories, and we add a fair amount of them by cooking methods, for example, frying or stewing in sour cream, with potatoes or meat, etc. And if mushrooms are simply boiled, season with a small amount of salt, turmeric and greens, then it will be a delicious, hearty and non-calorie dinner.

2. Celery

Many nutritionists believe that for the digestion of this product the body needs more calories than can the celery itself, but 100% of evidence is not. However, the fact remains that 100 grams of celery contains only 16 calories, so you can safely eat it even in the middle of the night if it zaburchalo in the stomach. And an undeniable amount of nutrients will add health.

3. Beetroots

Beetroot is useful even in raw form, even in boiled or baked. It promotes the correct regulation of the metabolism of fats, thereby becoming a real obstacle to obesity.

4. Vegetable caviar

This product is not only useful, tasty, but also low-calorie. If you want to "freeze the worm" before going to bed, then this dish can be eaten safely, it will satiate your stomach and will not put off a gram of excess weight in the body.

5. Baked apples

It has long been no secret that raw apples can not satiate, but, conversely, play an even more appetite. But if you bake them and pour honey on top, then this sweet delicacy will give you energy and a sense of satiety, but not calories. This dessert is suitable for breakfast and dinner.

6. Eggs

If you boil eggs in a "cool" or prepare an omelet from proteins, you get a satisfying and non-caloric snack. In 100 grams of this product contains only 158 calories.

7. Raspberry

Raspberry can be enjoyed around the clock, and you still will not gain extra weight. In raspberries there are very few calories, but there are a lot of useful substances.

8. Blueberries

In the bilberry contains only 44 cal. at 100 grams, but there are a lot of useful vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants. This berry is known for its preventive properties against cancer, therefore, choosing a snack from the bilberry season, you also improve your body.

9. Carrots

Carrots itself is very tasty, and if it is also dipped in hummus, then the snack will be doubly tasty and at the same time absolutely not spoiling the figure. If you eat two medium carrots, then the body will get a daily rate of beta-carotene and many other vitamins and nutrients.

10. Apricot

Do not miss the season of apricots - this is the best and most useful non-nutritious nightly snack in the hot season.

11. Nectarine

Another very tasty seasonal and easy snack option. This fruit contributes to a more active metabolism due to the content of a large amount of fiber.

12. Pear

This sweet and juicy fruit is not a high-calorie, but satisfying. However, it is too heavy for the stomach and one fruit is enough to satisfy the night hunger, without harming the figure and not getting a heaviness in the stomach.

13. Cod

This fish is considered dietary and most useful. Its white meat is very tasty, it contains phosphorus, iodine, amino acids and other very valuable substances for the body.

14. Flounder

No less useful and dietary fish, which should even be eaten after 6 pm, as it contains methionine - a substance that breaks down fats.

15. Squid

You will be surprised, but this is the most dietary kind of seafood. Squid meat contains a lot of useful protein and iodine, so it is very important to eat it for those who have problems with the thyroid gland and excess weight. If you eat a little boiled squid meat at night, then your figure from this will not be anything.

16. Corn

Of course, we are talking about boiled corn, canned will not work for an evening snack because of the sugar content and other preservatives. This product not only prevents the accumulation of fat in the body, but also removes excess cholesterol.

17. Pumpkin

This vegetable is just a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Pumpkin has a sweet taste, so it's nice to eat even in raw form, besides, it is non-calorie. And if you bake a pumpkin with honey or a small amount of sugar, you will get very tasty pumpkin sweets.

18. Cabbage

All kinds of cabbage are considered dietary, therefore, having eaten a salad from it before going to bed, you do not harm the figure.

19. Turnip

This vegetable is for nothing forgotten, it is very useful, it can strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body and do not harm the figure, as it is a dietary product.

20. Kiwis

Kiwi is an incredibly delicious fruit. It's not that you can, but you need to eat at any time of losing weight, as it promotes the splitting and burning of fats, normalizes the water-salt balance, relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and saturates the body with useful substances.