13 quick snacks with detox effect

Every day so much chemistry and toxins enter the body of every person. They accumulate. How much will this "garbage" accumulate in a month? And in a year? Without detoxification here can not do.

We have picked up for you 13 delicious snacks that will help cleanse your body of "garbage".

1. Avocado

This exotic fruit is rich in dietary fiber. And the fat here unsaturated is full. But this is not the main value of avocado. There is in this fruit one miracle ingredient - glutathione. This component is so strong that it can remove about 30 carcinogens from the body. In addition, the liver glutathione is also excellent. Excellent "whisk"!

2. Grapefruit

This citrus fruit perfectly fights against cholesterol, kills cancer cells and helps liver cells burn fat. In addition, grapefruit easily cleanses the body of carcinogens and toxins.

3. Pineapple

There is in this fruit one amazing component - bromelain. This miracle substance effectively cleanses the walls of the vessels and the liver from cholesterol. And with fat reserves bromelain easily cope, so pineapples are advised to eat when fighting overweight.

4. Asparagus

Do you want to stay young and healthy for a long time? Eat more asparagus. This useful vegetable contains a unique acid. It is this component that cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, there is a protein called histone. It controls the growth of cells, and in particular, cancer. Here is such a miracle-vegetable.

5. Celery

This vegetable belongs to products with a negative calorie content. To process it, the body needs to spend more calories than it will get. Here is a fat burner from a bed. And in a celery is a lot of fiber - it, like a whisk, cleanses the intestines from any litter.

6. Apples

The apples contain pectin. It is he who removes heavy metals, toxins and other "garbage" from the body. And this substance works well with parasites. In general, eat "molodilnye" apples!

7. Watermelon

This huge berry is rich in pectin and vegetable fiber. They help to cleanse the body. In addition, watermelon has citrulline, which removes ammonia from your body.

8. Green smoothies

Green cocktails contain many valuable elements. They help to cope with various problems, including slagging the body and poisoning. Therefore, you will enjoy smoothies, and you will feel amazing!

9. Green Tea

Has this noble drink diuretic action - it removes from the inside accumulated toxins and other "garbage". But the main secret of green tea is hidden in the polyphenols present in it. The most active of them is epigallocatechin gallate. It is so strong that even cancer cells can be destroyed. It turns out that the habit of drinking green tea is very useful!

10. Lemon water

Acidified water is the first thing you need to drink in case of poisoning. This cocktail is an effective detox.

11. Almonds

These nuts are rich in dietary fiber and proteins. They also clean the intestines of garbage.

12. Blueberries

These fragrant berries contain natural aspirin - a substance that reduces pain syndrome. And blueberry acts like a real antibiotic. Therefore, eat these delicious berries, and will be healthy!

13. Cabbage feces

The curly cabbage contains a whole complex of valuable substances - antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Such a rich set of elements favorably affects the metabolic processes and helps to cleanse the body of any "garbage" accumulated there.

And remember that when you cleanse your body with these foods, you need to drink plenty of water.