Stretch marks on the skin of adolescents

According to statistics, about 10% of people suffer from stretch marks during adolescence. With this seemingly "adult" problem, both girls and boys are facing. "Why there are stretch marks in adolescents?" - this question is set by anyone who has discovered on his body insidious light stripes. The answer to this question and the ways to resolve it will be found later in the article. Stretch marks are first reddish, and then white stripes on the skin. Especially good stretch marks are visible against the background of tanned skin. In most cases, pregnant women and newly-born women suffer from stretch marks. This is due to excessive stress on the skin and its stretching. However, stretch marks are also found on the body of adolescents. This problem affects children who grow quickly and quickly gain weight. As a result, the skin becomes thinner and quickly stretches. Rapid weight gain is accompanied by a rapid increase in subcutaneous fat. As a result, in the most stretched places, the skin is replaced with a connective tissue - so on the skin in adolescents appear stretch marks. In some cases, the appearance of stretch marks is associated with hormonal disorders in the body. However, this reason is much less common.

Most often teenage stretch marks appear on the chest, hips, buttocks, abdomen. Rarely stretch marks are found on the back of a teenager, but when they appear, you should immediately call your doctor. Stretch marks on the back of adolescents may be caused by insufficient muscle mass or evidence of internal disease.

Treatment of stretch marks in adolescents

Unfortunately, stretch marks in adolescents are related to problems that are difficult to get rid of in a short time. Nevertheless, with this unpleasantness it is necessary to fight, as soon as it appeared. You can get rid of stretch marks on the chest, abdomen and buttocks in adolescents in the following ways:

How to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body of adolescents?

During puberty, one should not sit on a rigid diet or lose weight, exhausting oneself by physical exercises. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly massage in problem areas. Also, excellent results are given by water procedures and swimming.