Drops Anaferon - when and how to give the medicine to the baby?

Further development of most viral diseases can be prevented if treatment is started on time. Excellent to cope with cold help drops Anaferon, which can be taken and children. To avoid side effects, you must follow the instructions.

Anaferon drops - composition

The drug Anaferon refers to antiviral immunostimulating drugs, which contribute to strengthening the body's defenses. Use of the drug can be both for a therapeutic purpose, and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of the drug against the influenza virus, parainfluenza, herpes, rotavirus. The drug quickly reduces the concentration of pathogenic viruses in the affected tissues. As a result, several hours after the initiation of therapy, the symptoms of intoxication disappear, the patient notes the relief of well-being.

A similar action has Anaferon and children, the composition of which is practically no different from the drug for adults. Its basis is purified antibodies to interferon. These components, penetrating the body, quickly activate the immune system of the body, resulting in an increase in the number of interferons in the bloodstream. Among the additional components that make up the drug Anaferon:

Anaferon - indications for use

Any drug should be checked with your doctor before use. Anaferon is not an exception, the use of which should be started only with the permission of the district pediatrician. Only he can give an objective assessment of the patient's condition, choose the right dosage, the frequency of reception, the duration of therapy. If you refer to the instructions of the drug Anaferon, the indications for use are:

Anaferon - side effects

Children's Anaferon in droplets does not contain substances that can provoke side effects. Its composition is adapted for use even in infants. Doctors also note that the drug is well tolerated by children. However, it must be borne in mind that every small organism is individual, so the development of side effects is possible. In most cases, their appearance is associated with a non-compliance with the dosage or a violation of the frequency of application. As a result of such actions of parents in children develop allergic reactions.

Anaferon - contraindications for children

Drops for children Anaferon do not have a negative effect on the body, so there are practically no contraindications to use. This is confirmed by numerous clinical studies. However, pediatricians are trying to prescribe Anaferon to children who have not yet reached the age of one month (newborn babies). These infants have a high risk of an allergic reaction to Anaferon, the contraindications to which are the following:

Anaferon for children - use

Before taking Anaferon, the mother must show the child to the pediatrician. The doctor must confirm the necessity of using the medicine. Directly he indicates the dosage and the frequency of application of the medicine, which the mother must strictly observe. Anapheron drops can be used for preventive purposes, however, in this case the dosage of the drug decreases together with the frequency of administration. The beginning of use without fail is coordinated with the pediatrician, who gives recommendations on the dosage and duration of admission.

Anaferon - dosage for children

According to the instructions to the drug, at one time the child should give 10 drops of Anaferon. In this case, the frequency of use varies throughout the course of therapy:

  1. In the first day of treatment: the first 120 minutes - 10 drops every half hour, then three more times at regular intervals.
  2. From the second to the fifth day: 10 drops 3 times a day.

As noted above, Anaferon can be used in drops for prevention. The drug is administered in the autumn-winter period. In this case, babies are given 10 drops of Anaferon 1 time per day. The duration of preventive therapy can be 1-3 months, according to the recommendations of the pediatrician. Independently use Anaferon, even with a preventive goal is not necessary.

How to give the baby Anaferon in droplets?

Anaferon in drops should be given to a child out of a meal. In the first day of treatment, when the number of receptions is maximal, the medication is given in the interval between the feedings or 15 minutes before the meal. At the same time, it is not worth giving a drink to a child, so as not to reduce the concentration of the drug. Compliance with such simple rules allows you to quickly achieve a therapeutic effect of Anaferon.

How long can Anaferon be taken for children?

How long you can take Anaferon in each case - the pediatrician should determine. The doctor analyzes the situation, assesses the clinical picture, determines the stage of the disease. When the condition improves, doctors carry out the cancellation of the medicinal product. In this case, it is necessary to consider the purpose for which Anaferon is used: for treatment or for prevention of acute respiratory infections .

So, in the treatment of viral pathologies with the help of drops Anaferon, if the improvement is not observed within 3 days after the beginning of the admission, the doctor makes a replacement of the drug. In general, the course of treatment lasts 5 days. Anaferon for prevention can be taken within 3 months, adhering to the recommendations of a pediatrician. This will help avoid side effects.

Anaferon - analogues

Often, mothers compare drugs similar in effect, wishing to use the most effective. From their mouth, doctors often hear a question about what is better - Anaferon or another antiviral drug (Arbidol, for example). In this case, doctors say that each organism is individual and can tolerate the reception of similar drugs in different ways. Among the common analogs it is necessary to distinguish: