Inoculation from chicken pox

Varicella, or chickenpox - is one of the most famous "childhood" infectious diseases. Many parents consider this disease to be completely harmless, while others, on the contrary, are interested in doctors, whether there is a vaccine for chickenpox. This vaccination actually exists, and most modern doctors are inclined to believe that it should be carried out.

The virus of chicken pox is very unpredictable, and the consequences of the disease can be very serious, both in childhood and especially in adults.

This virus, after getting into the human body, remains in the nerve endings for many years. Subsequently, he is able to cause recurrent episodes of herpes zoster, also not a very pleasant disease. In addition, the chickenpox virus, like the rubella virus, contributes to the development of such severe autoimmune diseases as lupus erythematosus or diabetes mellitus. If a pregnant woman gets sick with chickenpox, the virus in utero affects the fetus, causing him numerous developmental abnormalities and anomalies.

Finally, far from all people, chicken pox passes easily. In some cases, this disease is accompanied by an incredibly high temperature rise, which can provoke cramps and other serious consequences.

In this article, we will tell you about the age at which it is better to vaccinate a child against this disease, and whether chickenpox vaccinations are made for adults.

When are vaccinated against chicken pox?

In Moscow, a vaccination against chickenpox was introduced into the regional vaccination calendar. According to this schedule, children over two years old, who have not yet had chickenpox, are once administered a vaccine of Japanese manufacture Okavaks.

Meanwhile, in most regions of the Russian Federation and other countries, in particular, Ukraine, children can be vaccinated against chickenpox only at an additional cost at the request of their parents. In this case, you can vaccinate any child who is 1 year old and who has not previously experienced this virus.

For children over the age of a single application of the vaccine Okavaks, or two-fold entry of the Belgian vaccine Varilrix. The interval between the stages of vaccination in this case should be from 1.5 to 3 months. In order to prevent disease in adults, the vaccine is also administered once, at the patient's request, regardless of his age.

In addition, the vaccine Varilrix is ​​used for emergency prophylaxis of varicella in case of infection with a chickenpox virus. In this situation, the vaccine is done once, no later than 72 hours after contact with the sick person.

The duration of vaccination from chickenpox is quite large - it is about 20 years. Thus, you do not have to worry for a long time about the fact that your child will get sick with chicken pox.

What complications can there be after vaccination?

Most adults and children suffer a vaccine against chickenpox almost imperceptibly. However, in rare cases, the side effect of this vaccine is still evident, but it can be felt only from 7 to 21 days after vaccination.

Possible manifestations of the reaction to vaccination:

Can I get chickenpox after vaccination?

The likelihood of developing chickenpox after vaccination from chickenpox is negligible-it is just over 1%. However, it must be taken into account that no vaccination can protect the disease 100%.

Emergency vaccination after contact with a sick chicken pox is effective in 90% of cases, if it is made in a timely manner.