Molluscs in children

Such a viral disease, as a molluscum contagiosum, in children is often enough. It is a rounded nodule that appears on the skin of different parts of the body.

Causes of mollusks in children

Children under the age of 10 are exposed to this virus. The disease spreads easily, because there are several possible sources for the appearance of mollusks on the child's body:

The adult person is resistant to the virus, and if the infection occurs, the disease goes by itself in most cases.

Symptoms of molluscs on the skin of children

Usually the main symptom of the disease are painless single or multiple nodules of corporal (or pinkish) color. In the center of the rashes there is a slight indentation. Rarely affected areas may itch, but this does not always happen. In themselves, nodules of troubles are most often not delivered, but the danger is that a bacterial infection can join them and an inflammatory process will begin.

The incubation period of diseases reaches 2 weeks, in rare cases lasts for months. Without treatment, symptoms can persist up to 4 years.

The skin clam in children most often affects the neck, face and arms, although it may appear on other sites.

Be sure to follow the recommendations that will prevent the spread of the disease:

Also, remember that you can not squeeze out the tumor, because then there is a risk of infection in the wound. Combing the nodules leads to their spreading to other parts of the body.

Treatment of molluscs in children

Despite the fact that the rash does not cause any inconvenience, when finding suspicious nodules, you need to contact a dermatologist. He must make an accurate diagnosis, because the symptoms of this disease can be similar to other more serious ailments. Also often the rash is confused with warts or chickenpox .

The doctor will explain in detail how to treat mollusks in children. In addition, the appearance of symptoms signals a decrease in immunity, which requires special attention.

For the treatment of the disease, molluscs are removed from children with a medical tool. If necessary, the doctor uses pain medications. After the procedure, antiseptic treatment is carried out. After that, the doctor will prescribe special preparations that will need to process the skin for a certain time.

Sometimes doctors make a decision about conservative treatment of the disease. To do this, apply ointments and creams.

Additionally, medicines can be prescribed to strengthen the immune system.

Laser removal by electrocoagulation and liquid nitrogen is also possible.

After the procedure, the child is observed, as the rash may appear again. Until full recovery is necessary to observe all measures that protect against the spread of the virus.

It is impossible to remove subcutaneous molluscum in children independently, it is also unacceptable to make a decision about the use of ointments. Only a dermatologist can decide which method is appropriate in each case.

Parents should periodically carefully examine the skin of the child for the appearance of a rash or neoplasms, in order to consult a doctor and start treatment in a timely manner.