Liver cancer - the first symptoms

More and more people suffer from liver problems, it is not uncommon that this body affects cancer. After all, the liver is a kind of filter of the whole organism, and, therefore, is most susceptible to injury. Discovering liver cancer with the first symptoms of the disease, you can significantly increase your chances of a prolonged remission.

Liver cancer - signs and symptoms

There are two types of disease: primary and secondary liver cancer. In the first case, the neoplasm develops from its own cells of the organ, and in the second - develops metastases from malignant cells that have been entered into the liver from other affected organs. Consider the primary cancer of the liver, the symptoms of which are most often manifested in the form:

These signs can pass unnoticed for a person, as well as manifestations of a completely different disease or simply a general malaise. To learn how to determine liver cancer, and what symptoms indicate the presence of the disease, it is worth paying attention to the state of the whole organism.

At the initial stage, the disease can have the following manifestations:

Symptoms and signs of liver cancer can be severe weight loss, as well as internal bleeding. The affected organ bulges out as a result of the increase and can become rusty and become tuberous.

If the disease passes against the background of liver cirrhosis, then the pain in the liver zone is rapidly increasing, ascites and jaundice appear and increase, nosebleeds become more frequent, as well as fever and skin telangiectasias.

With hormonal-active types, liver cancer makes itself known by the following symptoms and manifestations:

With the further development of the disease, there is a violation of the hepatic function, and consequently, the processing of bile and its release into the intestine. This leads to the appearance of yellow color of the human mucosa. Another manifestation is the itching of the skin and dryness of the mucous membrane.

The symptoms of liver cancer in women are the same as in men. It is worth noting that they are sick much less often than the male sex. This is due to the addiction of a strong half of humanity to alcohol and cigarettes.

Diagnosis of the disease

Cancer formations and their symptoms are very similar to other diseases and are often taken for exacerbation of chronic hepatitis or cholecystitis. Patients are often subjected to a thorough and long-term diagnosis, and often the detection of cancer occurs already in the late stages of its development. Knowing what symptoms are with liver cancer, immediately contact a specialist, identifying at least one of the listed items. It is better to be safe than regret about lost time.

So, for a correct and accurate diagnosis, which can be either confirmed or disproved, it will be necessary to immediately submit blood and urine for analysis. According to their testimony, the presence of violations of the liver. It is also very important to undergo ultrasound and computed tomography, which will give an opportunity to see the manifestations of the disease. If problems are found, the obligatory action is a liver biopsy, which is done to obtain tumor tissue samples for histological examination. Based on the results of all examination methods, the doctor can make a final diagnosis and start treatment.