Lymphogranulomatosis is a cancer or not?

Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis) is a disease associated with damage to the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, lungs, bone marrow and kidneys. It refers to systemic diseases, since it affects not the individual organs, but the whole apparatus.

Because of the absence of specific manifestations of pathology, not all patients can immediately understand some issues, for example, lymphogranulomatosis is a cancer or not, because in this case there is no localized tumor that can be cut.

Causes of the disease lymphogranulomatosis

The exact origin and factors that lead to the onset of the disease have not been identified.

There are suggestions that there is a genetic predisposition to lymphogranulomatosis. Theories of the relationship of pathology with the Epstein-Barr virus , infectious mononucleosis and autoimmune disorders are also being put forward. Lymph nodes may be affected by prolonged exposure to toxic chemicals.

Is disease lymphogranulomatosis oncology?

The described pathology is a malignant oncological disease. Some people mistakenly believe that the absence of clearly localized tumors in the lymph nodes in acute lymphogranulomatosis indicates that there is no cancer. However, the presence in them of the giant giant cells of Reed-Berezovsky-Sternberg confirms the opposite.

It is worth noting that lymphogranulomatosis, despite the malignant nature, has a relatively favorable prognosis. In the implementation of adequate therapy, which consists in irradiation and administration of chemical preparations, this disease can be cured or at least achieved remission.

In severe cases of lymphogranulomatosis, surgical treatment is carried out, involving the complete removal of the affected lymph nodes, and sometimes the internal organs.