Deep facial peeling

Deep facial peeling can rejuvenate the skin and demonstrate a lasting effect. This procedure is becoming more popular, because rejuvenation is today in a trend, but the ways to achieve it are often either ineffective or radical.

Doing a face plastic will not be decided by every woman, but to make a mask is often not a problem. But, unfortunately, many masks do not give the desired result, and therefore the ladies turn to the "intermediate" procedure - deep peeling, in which the skin is deeply renewed, but at the same time is not subjected to surgical intervention.

Deep peeling from a cosmetologist

Today, two types of peelings are popular, which can be carried out exclusively in the office of a cosmetologist. This is a painful procedure that can cause significant damage to the skin, and therefore it must be done under the supervision of a specialist.

Deep chemical face peeling

Deep phenol peeling is one of the types of chemical peeling . This method of rejuvenation has many supporters who believe that this peeling is superior to even a laser by its effectiveness.

Unlike laser peeling, phenol peeling is performed only once, which saves time and money. Phenol peeling does not require special preparation and a long rehabilitation period.

It helps to solve the problem with scarring and pigmentation spots.

But this type of peeling has serious disadvantages:

Skin can be disguised with make-up, but in everyday life it can be impractical. Therefore, this peeling is suitable for women with fair complexion.

Deep laser peeling

Laser peeling , in contrast to the chemical, can eliminate both fine and deep wrinkles. Depth of the laser is selected depending on the skin condition, and this is an indisputable plus procedure.

The laser beam penetrates into the layers of the skin and promotes cell regeneration. Thus, the skin is rejuvenated from within by an external impulse.

One of the significant disadvantages of the procedure is the need for several sessions.

Deep peeling at home

No matter how attractive the idea of ​​deep peeling at home, still, it is advisable to apply for this purpose to a specialist. But women who are confident in their knowledge and skills can try a deep peeling with calcium chloride:

  1. Take a 5% solution of calcium chloride - for the first procedure, and 10% for later.
  2. Carry out a test - reaction to the substance, applying a solution on the wrist.
  3. Wash thoroughly to degrease your face and clean it from dust.
  4. Moisten the cotton pad with a solution and wipe the face with it.
  5. When the solution has dried, wipe the face again. In total, do this 4 times in a row.
  6. When the last layer has dried, apply a soap with baby soap and remove the mask using the rolling movements of your fingers.
  7. After this, thoroughly wash your face with warm and cold water.
  8. Apply moisturizer on face.

Before the procedure, it is desirable to get a dermatologist's recommendation.