Acquaintance with parents - how to like the parents of a guy and a girl?

When the candy-buquet period ends in the couple's relationship, and they move to a more serious stage of their development, the question arises about such an event as getting acquainted with their parents. It largely determines the fate of the couple and the possibility of creating from it a full-fledged cell of society, that is, the family.

Acquaintance with parents - goal

A few decades ago, the organization of the wedding for the young completely assumed the parents and carried both material and moral costs. And even if today the couple does not need such support and plans to take everything in their own hands, it will not work out acquaintance with future close relatives. Those who are interested in what is expected from acquaintance with parents, it is worth responding that at least an elementary approval of the choice of a son or daughter. Nobody wants to spoil relations from the very beginning, because it will invariably affect your relationship with your loved one.

How to get acquainted with the guy's parents?

Before going to a fateful meeting, it is recommended to ask in advance the beloved about the traditions accepted in the family, work and hobbies of future father-in-law and mother-in-law. Being savvy in these matters is very beneficial, because it will help avoid embarrassing situations and demonstrate your own interest, which will be flattering to a future grandmother and grandfather. The first acquaintance with the guy's parents is exciting for both sides, so the awkward pauses and inappropriately said phrases will be natural and should not be particularly worried about this.

Rules for dating a guy's parents

Those who are wondering how to get acquainted with the parents of a loved one, it is worth paying attention to the following rules:

  1. You should be introduced by a young man, but if for some reason he does not do this, you need to say hello and introduce yourself. The girl should remember that the initiative of shaking hands or kissing with embraces must come from the other side.
  2. Acquaintance with the parents of the guy will be held with a cheer if "to catch the wave", that is, to consider the emotional state of another person and try to adjust to him, to conduct a conversation with the interlocutors in one language.
  3. Answer the questions better briefly and modestly, but the praise for the son of those to whom you came, just welcome.

How do you like the guy's parents?

The most important thing is not to go to extremes. Do not flatter, not be rude and not embarrassed, but try to behave naturally, but at the same time restrained, open and independent. Those who ask how to like their parents' parents, you just need to try to stand in their place. Who would they want to see next to their son? A kind, loving girl, for whom the main thing is family and family values . The latter assume a respectful attitude towards parents, and therefore it needs to be demonstrated.

Acquaintance with the guy's parents - tips

Everyone knows the expression "meet by the clothes" in this case works as never before. And even if the girl takes herself to a subculture and spits on the rules of etiquette, for the sake of a loved one, it is worth choosing for the meeting something from the classics, the best is the dress. So getting acquainted with the parents, how to dress in this case is already understandable, will have a favorable tone and will involuntarily adjust the adult half of those present towards the girl positively.

Here are other tips that will help create a good impression:

  1. If the boy's mother is setting the table for you, offer his help, but do not be too impatient.
  2. Any woman considers herself a good hostess and a cook, so it is not superfluous to praise a dish and ask for a prescription. Little by little, but it is better to try everything that will be offered.
  3. From several types of alcoholic beverages, it is better to choose the easiest - wine. And in any case, do not abuse.

How to get acquainted with the girl's parents?

Most of the tips given above are relevant here, but if the parents of the guy are more concerned about the future daughter-in-law's economy, the girl's parents are more interested in the young man's solvency and independence - his profession, work peculiarities. And even if they do not have special requirements for wages, they should make sure that their daughter will not need anything. Therefore, the first acquaintance with the girl's parents should demonstrate in a favorable light the best qualities of the applicant for the hand and heart of their daughter.

Rules for dating a girl's parents

That the first meeting with parents did not end in failure, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  1. Try to join their company, catch the mood. If you make jokes in the family, you can tell a couple of anecdotes, and if you are discussing the work of poets or composers at a table that you do not know, you just need to express your sincere interest.
  2. All questions need to be answered firmly and confidently, and if they are interested in an opinion on any issue, then it is worth expressing their point of view, but not too zealous and provoking a dispute.
  3. Acquaintance with the girl's parents will be successful if the guy shows that he loves their daughter and intends to make her happy. It is not superfluous to talk about plans for the future, to showcase your best aspects, but not to praise yourself.

How do you like the girl's parents?

You can impress with your neat and tidy look. Those who are interested in how to please their parents, we must remember that the mother of the girl is primarily a woman and appreciates the attention. Do not skimp on compliments, but do not flatter. Father will pay attention to masculine qualities - the ability to do male work around the house, stand up for themselves and their loved ones. Men find it easier to find a common language and if they know about the hobbies of the future father-in-law, then asking him questions, it is always easy to bring him to frankness and learn more about each other.

Acquaintance with the girl's parents - advice

Going to get acquainted with the parents, and in either case, it is worth giving a present. He should not be intimate and purely personal. Better to give something for the house. If you are to get acquainted with the parents, what you bring is not known, then you will not lose it if you buy flowers for the future mother-in-law and take with you a bottle of alcohol. It is better to know in advance from the girl what it is customary to drink in their family and buy such a drink.

In general, you should try to behave naturally and naturally, not trying to please and like everyone, because it is impossible. Even if the first impression of getting acquainted with the parents will be smeared or spoiled, respectful attitude should become the main trump card. After all, even with this scenario, there is an opportunity to improve in the future and deserve the love of relatives of a loved one, if you want to go through life with him and beyond.