Bodyflex at home

Classes bodyflex are incredibly popular - this kind of breathing exercises helps to approach the ideal for a variety of people who for various reasons are not allowed to exercise. An important role in this was played by the availability of this type of fitness: for classes you do not need any expensive equipment or equipment, and you can practice bodyflex at home.

The method of bodyflexing

Breathing exercises, or, as it is also called, gymnastics, is based on the adoption of various poses and the performance of a breathing exercise. The main thing that you need to master is right breathing, which gives the effect of healing and promotes weight loss by deep enriching each cell of the body with oxygen. Remember the basics: the breath is always through the nose, the exhalation is always through the mouth. The breathing exercise itself is as follows:

  1. Having taken this position, relax, without undue strain, put your lips into the tube, and then slowly, gently exhale as much air as possible. The main thing is not to make jerks and do not do it with pressure.
  2. Then, with a tangible effort, press your lips together. In this position, take a very deep breath through the nose quickly and noisily. Feel that your lungs are pumped up to the limit with air.
  3. After inhaling, raise your chin slightly upwards and fold your mouth into a narrow slit - something like a smile without raised corners of your mouth. Helping yourself with a diaphragm, breathe out sharply the air, rounding your mouth. At the same time you should get a little whistling sound "groin" or something like that.
  4. At this moment it is important not to breathe again, but to hold your breath for 8-10 accounts. While you are not breathing, you need to strongly draw in your stomach and tilt your head to your chest.
  5. After that, relax, pay attention to relaxation of the muscles of the press. In a relaxed state, take a breath.

If you have mastered such a breath, then all the exercises will be easy for you. It's difficult to not get out of this rhythm yourself at first. In order not to be distracted by the recording, you need to rehearse several times your breath or take a video course.

Bodyflex at home: indications and contraindications

The technique of such breathing exercises has only a few contraindications:

At the same time is perfect for bodyflex for pregnant women and after cesarean. Many young mothers use it to quickly get the figure in order. The system is so universal that you can safely practice bodyflex even after 40 years.

Can I do bodyflex in the evening?

You can do bodyflex at home anytime, most importantly, not immediately after a meal and not just before bed. Bodyflex is significantly invigorating, and there is a possibility that you will not be able to fall asleep. Ideally, to practice bodyflex at home is after 3 hours lunchtime - it is at this time there is a decrease in activity, and gymnastics will help to extend it.

To practice more effectively, choose the right music for bodyfax - it should be a beautiful, relaxing music, you can with the sounds of nature. The main thing is, you should like it!

Oxisase or bodyflex - which is better?

Determine which of the types of respiratory gymnastics to choose, your figure type will help you. If you are an "apple", and you have problems with the waist, on which fat is actively stored, your choice is oxysize. If you are a "pear" and fat is distributed on the buttocks and thighs - your version is a bodyflex.

In addition, it should be noted that the very technique of oxysize is more complex, and therefore at the moment is not as popular as bodyflex.