Genital infantilism

The essence of genital infantilism is that the organism is in a state where the reproductive organs have ceased to grow without reaching maturity. A person with a similar diagnosis can not lead a full sexual life. External genitalia also do not develop. So, a woman of reproductive age can have the sizes of genital organs, which do not differ from children's: small ovaries, thin and long fallopian tubes, small uterus and an elongated neck.

The causes of genital infantilism

In most cases, the causes of genital infantilism are glitches in the hormonal system, when the pituitary and hypothalamus do not produce hormones that are responsible for the development of the uterus and ovaries. Such disorders develop often in the early years or in adolescence. The impetus for the development of infantilism in women is disruption in the endocrine system or various diseases. Most often, the causes of infantilism are long-term internal diseases - diseases of blood vessels, heart, digestive tract.

In addition to physiological, there are also psychological reasons. So, infantilism can accompany the overall delay in the development of the body. People who are diagnosed with this condition look much younger than their years. Sometimes the cause of the disease lies in the fact that parents are too cared for the child, which affected his psyche. Such a person in adulthood is unable to establish contact with the opposite sex, enter into an intimate relationship. Sexual infantilism means complete inhibition of the formation and development of sexuality.

Treatment is appointed depending on the type of infantilism (physiological or psychological) and its degree.

Symptoms and manifestations of infantilism

The main signs of genital sexual infantilism in women are low growth, elegant and delicate bone system, narrow pelvis and shoulders. Usually menstruation begins at a late age, and the allocation itself is meager, painful and irregular, accompanied by headaches, weakness, fainting and nausea.

Sexual external organs are disproportionate: small labia more than large, the clitoris is enlarged, the cleft is not closed. Uterus in size is much less than normal and very bent forward. The degree of infantilism is determined by the size of the uterus. Thus, the infantilism of the uterus of the 1st degree is characterized by the embryonic (rudimentary) dimensions of this organ. This anomaly is extremely rare and can not be treated. Genital infantilism of the 2nd degree is diagnosed in the presence of the infantile uterus, whose length does not exceed three centimeters, which corresponds to the age of ten. The ovaries are located high, the tubes are long and convoluted. 3 degree of infantilism with the uterus length of six to seven centimeters is the easiest. Often, the hypoplastic uterus after the onset of sexual activity and during pregnancy grows to normal size.

Treatment of genital infantilism

After a complete diagnosis, which includes the measurement of anthropometric data, hormonal studies of blood, urine and thyroid gland, ultrasound, laparoscopy and hysterosalpingography, an optimal treatment for a particular case is prescribed. The main goal of the treatment of sexual infantilism is to increase the protective forces of the female body, the development of adaptive mechanisms and the improvement of the reproductive system. These problems are solved with the help of setting the mode of work, rest, nutrition, as well as vitamin therapy, hormone therapy, balneotherapy and gynecological massage.