Leukocytosis - Causes

Leukocytosis is a condition characterized by an elevated content of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood. Leukocytes are produced by the bone marrow and are an important component of the human immune system, as they are designed to combat various foreign bodies and pathogenic microorganisms.

Common causes of leukocytosis

The main causes of leukocytosis include:

Types of leukocytosis and its causes

Physiological leukocytosis

Relatively safe, most often a short-term form, caused by physiological changes in a healthy body. To the physiological include:

In pregnancy, the cause of leukocytosis is an increased accumulation of white corpuscles in the uterine mucosa, which occurs for additional protection of the embryo from infections.

Pathological leukocytosis

Such leukocytosis is caused by:

Analyzes for leukocytosis

Blood test

Normal values ​​of the level of leukocytes in a person's blood are from 4 to 9 thousand per 1 microliter. Since the produced leukocytes first come into the blood, the cause of leukocytosis in the blood can be any pathological and a number of physiological disorders. A specific disease can be presumed by a doctor, depending on how much the indicators are raised, and what forms of white blood cells prevail.

Analysis of urine

In a healthy person, white blood cells in the urine are either absent or present in a small amount. Their elevated level in this analysis usually indicates infectious diseases of the kidney or urinary tract.


Usually used to detect an infectious inflammatory process in a specific area from which a smear is taken. Thus the person can and not feel an inflammation, but in the analysis the level of leukocytes will be raised. The causes of leukocytosis in the smear can be: