Tea with oregano - benefit and harm

Oregano or oregano is an herb that is widely used not only in cooking, but also in recipes of traditional medicine. Tea with oregano is popular, which has a huge benefit for the body. To be able at any time to enjoy the taste of the drink, you can plant the plant in a pot on the windowsill, because it is completely unpretentious in care.

Benefits and harm of tea with oregano

A wide range of properties is due to the unique composition of the plant, since it contains essential oils, acids, flavonoids, etc. A beverage prepared on the basis of oregano, effectively combats inflammation, reduces pain, and it also has an antiseptic and sedative effect.

What is the use of oregano in tea:

  1. The positive influence of the drink on the metabolism , allows you to recommend it to those who wish to get rid of excess weight.
  2. The plant has a calming effect, so tea will be useful to drink to people who often face stressful situations, and also suffer from insomnia.
  3. Useful properties of tea with oregano provide an opportunity to recommend it for colds , as well as a strong cough. It is useful for respiratory diseases. It is important to drink tea in cold weather with the active spread of viruses and infections.
  4. Often this plant is called female grass, because it is used for various gynecological problems, for example, intrauterine bleeding. The drink will help normalize the hormonal background.
  5. It should be noted that the plant has a positive effect on the digestive system. It is recommended to drink tea to people with gastritis, colitis, flatulence, etc.
  6. Helps get rid of accumulated bad cholesterol.

Scientists have proved that with regular consumption of the drink can significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer cells.

It is important to note that tea from oregano has not only useful properties, but also contraindications. Men are forbidden to drink a lot of this drink, because it can negatively affect the sexual desire and even lead to impotence. Contraindicated drink to children who are not yet 15 years old, and pregnant women. It is forbidden to drink tea with ulcers, increased gastric secretion and problems with the cardiovascular system. Do not forget that there are people who experience an individual intolerance to the plant, so you should start drinking tea with small doses.