How to interest a child with reading?

Children grow and with their age the problems arising in their upbringing change. For parents of children who are only going to school or studying in it, one of the important issues is the inculcation and maintenance of their children's love for reading. But, unlike parents, the modern generation is growing in the world of Internet and TV. Now they do not have the need to get new knowledge or an interesting time with the help of reading a book, because for this you can climb the Internet or play an electronic game.

All teachers and psychologists, even at the initial stage of education, note a drop in interest in reading, but first of all the education of love for books takes place in the family.

Therefore, consider the recommendations to parents how to interest the child by reading and instill love for him.

To help parents: how to instill an interest in reading?

  1. Read aloud to children from birth, do not listen to audio recordings instead.
  2. Attend libraries with your child, teach them how to use their wealth.
  3. Buy books, give them yourself and order them as a gift. This will make you understand that they are important to you.
  4. Read the books or magazines at home yourself, so you will develop children's attitude towards reading as a process that brings pleasure.
  5. Subscribe to children's magazines interesting to your child, let him choose his own.
  6. Play board games that involve reading.
  7. Collect the children's library. Allow your child to decide for himself what books he is interested in
  8. After viewing the movie that interested the child, suggest reading a book from which the story is taken.
  9. Ask for an opinion about the books you read.
  10. At the beginning of teaching reading , offer short stories so that a sense of completeness of action and fulfillment appears.
  11. If you have any questions, ask to find the answer in the encyclopedia or book.
  12. Organize evenings of family reading. They can take place in different forms: alternate reading of one story, retelling of different, exchange of opinions, making riddles about read fairy tales, etc.
  13. Write your fairy tales or make illustrations to them (drawings, applications).
  14. Never punish by reading, it will further alienate the child from reading.

It is very important when forming an interest in reading to take into account the child's age-specific characteristics and hobbies, especially in the choice of literature. Never impose on him your favorite work, you can only advise him.