Pattern "Putanka" knitting needles

If you are fond of knitting, you probably tried to create with your own hands at least the most simple things - socks , mittens, scarf. And, most likely, you know that an ordinary, it would seem, accessory when using a pattern can look very impressive. By the way, for knitting with knitting needles there are a lot of different patterns. And if you are new to this kind of needlework, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the "Putanka" pattern with knitting needles. It is quite simple, but it looks interesting.

Pattern "Putanka" with knitting needles - description

The pattern "Putanka" is created thanks to a sequence of facial and purl loops. Due to this the pattern is two-sided, that is, it looks both from the wrong side, and on the front part. They use "Putanka" for finishing a knitted product - knitting pockets, collars, jackets, pockets.

By the way, there are other names of the pattern - rice pattern or pearl pattern.

How does "Putanka" fit with knitting needles?

To work for you, as usual, you will need two knitting needles and a yarn, combined with each other in size.

So, we proceed to the master class, how to knit knitting with knitting needles:

  1. On the spokes we type as many as possible loops, but the main thing is that their number is odd.
  2. We send the first row: after the edge loop we sew 1 face loop.
  3. Then we sew the purl loop.
  4. Continue to alternate the loop to the end of the row.
  5. In the second row, after the edge loop, we alternate the front loop with the back one.
  6. However, only the front of the first row we are tying in the second purl.
  7. And purl - face.
  8. It's simple, but if you do not understand something, look at the attached pattern of the Putanka pattern with knitting needles.
  9. In the same way, connect the next series. As a result, you should get a tight pattern, which looks great when knitting plaids, jackets, pullovers.

That's all! Very simple and effective!