How to gain weight to a teenager?

Quite often, parents have to face not only the problem of excess weight in children and adolescents, but also with the cardinally opposite - lack of weight in the child. And the question of how to grow fat teenager, most often solved after the onset of puberty.

But in adolescence, people tend to look for shortcomings in their body. And he will find them, even if it is impeccable. And accordingly, his own figure often causes the development of complexes in adolescents, one of which is excessive leanness. That's why both parents and their children are interested in how to gain weight to a teenager. And information on this topic is much less than tips on how to lose weight.

We can give some practical recommendations, but first we suggest to understand why some teenagers can not get better.

Causes of underweight in adolescents

  1. A jump in growth. This happens with all teenagers, but it is especially noticeable on boys of 13-15 years. Within a few months they can add about 10 centimeters in height. Muscle mass in most cases does not keep up with such intense growth of the body, and it seems that the child has dramatically lost weight. But as we see, there is absolutely no cause for concern, and do not rush to run with the child to the doctor because of weight loss.
  2. Decreased appetite. This reason is very common among children and adolescents. And it seems to be obvious how to solve the problem, how to grow fat teenager, but in practice everything is a little different than it seems. You do not need to squeeze the child with a spoon and do not say: "Until you eat everything, you will not go for a walk", but first of all, find out the reason for the decrease in appetite. And it can be far from harmless. For example, experiences. Adolescent maximalism distorts reality beyond recognition. And what an adult thinks normal and normal, for a teenager can become a real drama. Therefore, if your child refuses to eat, then first talk with him, perhaps you will be able to get to the bottom of the problem.
  3. Stress and disease. They often lead to a metabolic disorder, and it in turn affects the weight of a person. This reason does not belong to the category of teenagers, but it does not become less serious either. With the question "How will the teenager recover?" In this case it is better to consult a doctor.
  4. Physical activity. There are cases when the lack of weight in a teenager is caused by excessive motor activity. In this case, do not rush to restrict the child in movement. It is enough just to adjust its diet.

How quickly to gain weight to a teenager?

  1. Use in the diet more foods rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber. For example, meat, fish, poultry, nuts, beans, pasta, bread. And also be sure to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.
  2. Increase the number of meals per day. For a teenager, the optimal number of meals during the day is five.
  3. Do not eat too much fatty and fried foods. It is long digested by the stomach and creates the impression of satiety, which reduces appetite. The same applies to visiting fast food and fast food.
  4. Sign in to the gym to build muscle. A competent instructor will help to choose a set of exercises taking into account the characteristics of your body. If this is not done, then it is possible that the weight will be recruited, but not as a uniform increase in muscle mass, but by depositing fat in the most inappropriate places.

Now that you know how to gain weight to a teenager, it will be easier for you to identify the reasons for underweight, and also to understand how to help in this case to quickly gain weight to a teenager.