How to walk with a newborn?

If a child was born in the cold season, in winter, many of the parents do not know whether it is possible to walk with a newborn, when to start and how to do it correctly. When it's snowing and frosty on the street, they often cancel out walks with the baby, justifying their decision by the fear of catching a cold. But walks and fresh air are necessary for the baby, and if the frost is not lower than 10 degrees, then they should not be canceled.

However, in the first month and a half after birth, because of the unstable thermoregulation of the newborn, walks on the street in cold weather are often recommended to be replaced by prolonged airing of the room, for which the baby is warmly dressed and the window is opened. But after reaching the age of 5-6 weeks is better to start a full walk. On the first day it lasts no more than 15 minutes, and gradually increasing the time of the child's stay in the air for 10 minutes a day, the duration of the walk is brought to an hour. Clothes should not be too warm or too light, most often for walking in the frost recommend a special winter overall . If the child is sick, the walk is canceled until the doctor allows them.

How to walk with a newborn in the summer in a stroller?

In summer heat there is a risk of overheating, and you can start walking with the baby only at temperatures below 25 degrees and not earlier than 2-3 weeks after birth. To walk with a newborn in the heat, you need to know how to properly dress it. You can not put a child in synthetic clothes because of the fact that it does not absorb sweat. If the daytime temperature is above 25-30 degrees, then you can walk only in the morning or in the evening.

The schedule of walks should not coincide with the schedule of feeding. It is not necessary to take with itself a mixture for feeding - it can deteriorate in the heat. It is better to walk between feedings, but in summer it is always advisable to take drinking with the child. Walking with a child in the summer can be longer than in winter - up to 2 hours, especially if the baby is sleeping on a walk. In the stroller, it is better to cover the child with a special cape protecting from getting insects and direct sunlight. Even in the summer it is not necessary to walk, if the child is sick, without the permission of the doctor.

How to walk with a newborn on the balcony?

If you go down to the courtyard with a stroller difficult or near your home there is nowhere to take a walk with the child, walks, especially in the first months of life, can be done on the balcony. To do this, it is enough to take the child in his arms in clothing that meets the season or be carried in a stroller to sleep. The time of staying on the balcony usually depends on the season, but on the closed balcony or the loggia with the child you can walk in any weather, but it is necessary to consider whether there are drafts on the balcony and how well it is protected from strong wind.