Coxsackie virus in Turkey

A trip to the beach resorts does not always leave only positive memories. In 2014, rest in Turkey was overshadowed by the epidemic of the Coxsackie virus. It affects both adults and children. But, despite the alarming reports, still many continue to plan a trip to this country. Therefore, before departure, you should still become acquainted with the main symptoms of this disease and find out how you can protect yourself from it.

What is the Coxsackie virus?

A sharp rise in temperature to 39-39.5 ° and the appearance of rashes on the palms and soles are the main symptoms of this disease. To them still can join a sore throat, nausea or cough. Children are sick in a heavier form than adults.

The source of infection is a sick person, the bacteria from it to the healthy are transmitted in several ways:

If you went on holiday in Turkey for a voucher, then to treat the Coxsackie virus you should be taken from the hotel to the hospital. Where after the examination the doctor will be given the right drugs. With a severe form of the disease, it will be necessary to stay there, since in this case, constant monitoring by the doctors for the patient is necessary.

Than to treat a Coxsackie infection in Turkey?

If you are sick, then you just need to contact a doctor who should write to you:

  1. Antipyretic.
  2. Antiviral.
  3. Antihistamine preparation (in ointments). To carry out the treatment of the rash that appears on the skin to relieve itching.
  4. The drug for the treatment of the throat. Most often, tantum-verde is prescribed.
  5. Antibiotic. To prevent bacterial infection.
  6. Fukortzin or zelenku for treating the rash. They will dry the wounds and pimples, which will speed up their healing.

If you have problems with a stool (for example: diarrhea), you should take a drug that normalizes the activity of the intestine and removes toxins. These include enterol. It is very important to provide the patient with copious drinking and fresh air access, by regularly ventilating the room.

Prevention of infection in Turkey by the Coxsackie virus

To treat a sick person sometimes is very difficult, especially when it's a small child. Therefore, it is better to try to prevent infection of the body with a virus. You can do this by following the following rules:

  1. Do not swallow water when visiting the pool, since they are not handled by bleach, which can kill this virus, but simply pass through the filter. As a result, the water in them is inhabited by a large number of microbes. It is better not to visit such places at all, especially if they are located near bars.
  2. Wash hands after going to the toilet and before eating. It is also worth wiping the cutlery that you are going to eat.
  3. Do not contact people who have obvious signs of illness (rashes on the hands and feet), because the virus is transmitted through the air.
  4. If you need to communicate with people already infected, you need to use protective equipment, for example: a mask and gloves.
  5. Plan your vacation in late spring or fall, when the air and water temperatures are not so high. This will lead to the fact that the bacteria will not be as active as in the summer, and people at the resorts will be much less.
  6. Before attending events where a large crowd of people is planned, to avoid infection with viral infections, one should apply oxalic ointment to the edges of the nasal mucosa.

To say where exactly in the hotels of Turkey you can not exactly catch the Coxsackie virus is impossible. Since most often the cause of such a massive infection is the sea, in warm water of which the pathogenic microbes multiply.