Bananas in batter

Bananas in batter - a delicious and delicate dessert, not requiring special culinary skills. Therefore, buy all the necessary products safely and please your relatives with this unusual delicacy.

Bananas fried in batter


For batter:

For cream:


The recipe for bananas cooked in batter is simple enough. We take a small plate, break the egg into it, pour a little warmed milk, add a spoonful of sour cream and carefully mix the contents with a whisk. Then pour the flour gradually and knead the dough. To taste, put sugar, lightly beat and set aside. As a result, you should get a claret similar in consistence to sour cream.

Now go to the preparation of bananas: we clean them from the peel, cut each first into two halves, and then another along three parts. Now take a lemon and squeeze juice out of it directly onto the crushed fruit.

After this, go to the last stage - frying. In the frying pan pour a little vegetable oil and put on a quiet fire. One slice of banana is dipped completely in batter and put it in a frying pan. Similarly, we do with all the fruits and fry them for several minutes on each side, until the golden crust appears.

Now prepare the cream, which we will water the finished dessert. In the piano we spread a little sour cream, pour out the sugar powder and mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After the bananas are fried, we spread them on a plate, so that a little glass is superfluous, and then water the previously prepared cream and serve the delicacy on the table.

Bananas in battered honey



Consider another option, how to cook bananas in batter. Fruits are cleaned, and each fruit is cut in half. In a bowl, mix the starch with flour, dilute it with water and add a little sesame oil and egg white. Stir the mass to homogeneity and dip the halves of bananas into the ready-made claret. Fry the dessert in the deep-frying minutes 4-5 until golden brown. Then gently shift the bananas on a plate, let the excess oil drain, and this time, let's dry the sesame seeds while in a frying pan. Separately connect the lemon juice with honey and lightly heat the mixture in a saucepan. Before serving, pour bananas with lemon-honey sauce and sprinkle with fried sesame seeds.

Bananas in batter and caramel



Now tell you how to fry bananas in batter. So, the fruit is cleaned, shredded in thick circles and sprinkled with lemon juice. Pre-heat the oil in a deep frying pan or fryer.

Next, let's cook the dessert. To do this, mix in a bowl of starch and sifted flour. Then we pour egg whites, a little whipped with milk. All thoroughly mix and leave the dough for 10 minutes. After that, banana pieces are pinned on a fork and dipped in a batter. Fry them in boiling oil until golden brown for about 1 minute. Separately dissolve in water sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Then pour the sesame seeds into the syrup and mix. Bananas are dipped in caramel and put into plates, greased with butter. We serve dessert immediately, along with a cup of cold water. Before eating, we dip the bananas in the batter in the water, so that the hard caramel hardens. Here, and all the bananas in caramel can be served on the table!