Prayer-amulet for son

The duty of every mother is to protect her child from various adversities. Since ancient times, women have used prayer- wards from evil eye and spoilage to protect their child from negative influence from the outside. This is very important, because the children's energy protection is small and very easy to destroy.

Prayer-guard for the child

Before considering the prayer text it is worth to say that the action of prayer directly depends on the state of mind and faith. It is not necessary to read all the prayers in a row, so first examine their meaning. There is a very simple prayer, which is worth repeating every day, as well as before important events in the life of the child, to protect him from problems. Sounds the prayer-amulet so:

"May my Son of God, who for ever and ever be in health, pass through all adversity, O Lord. Amen".

During the pronunciation of these words, be sure to baptize your child, otherwise the amulet may not work. It is important that the child always carried a cross with him, which is a powerful amulet.

To protect your child from a different negative, you can read the prayer-amulet, which reads:

"The angel of heaven, from birth to his only preservation." Wings white wipe off enemies, all those litdeans, murderers and foes with fire, Sword kill, but my child save. Oh, Lord. Amen".

Prayer-guardian for son leaving home

There comes a time when children begin to build their lives, leaving their father's house. Prayer can be read when a son leaves to study or decides to marry and move to his living space. For parents, such changes are very exciting and in this situation you just need to pray for the happiness of your child. Every morning and evening read this text:

"The Lord, my son, in your mercy, for his sins, save from temptations and guide the dear truth."

Prayer-amulet "The Seven Crosses"

This prayer has a tremendous power that can protect the whole family from various ills and magical influence from the outside. Read it in the morning every day. The text of the prayer is as follows:

"I put the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

The second cross from the Lord God,

The third cross from Jesus Christ is the Son of God,

The fourth cross from the guardian angel of the servant of God (name),

The fifth cross from the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos,

The sixth cross from the west to the exit,

The seventh cross from earth to heaven.

Seven crosses will close the house to seven locks.

The first lock - from dashing trouble,

The second - from poverty-poverty,

The third - from the tears of combustible,

The fourth - from stealing,

The fifth - from spending,

The sixth - from illness-infirmity,

And the seventh - the strongest, six closes,

I lock it for a century, my house protects. Amen".

Mother's prayer for a son who goes into the army

When the mother finds out that her child has been drafted into the army, various thoughts and fears arise in her head. To cope with feelings and anguish, you need to go to church where you can feel peace. Before the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, put a candle and read the following prayer:

"The Wonderworker Nicholas, the Protector and Savior. Help my son to go back safely and unharmed. Thy will be done. Amen".