What does the ski look like?

When interpreting dreams about skiing, you need to remember how they looked, what you did with them, as well as the emotions experienced. Dreamers recommend comparing the information received with the events of real life.

What does the ski look like?

To see skis in a dream, means, in reality you are tormented by serious experiences. It can also be a harbinger of unexpected joy. Night vision, where it was necessary to lubricate skis with a special cream, indicates that the dreamer enjoys authority at work and among friends. To dream of broken skis in a dream, means, despite minor problems in the near future it will be possible to reach the set goal .

If you broke them, falling during skiing, then you should not rush to make important decisions. For people in a relationship, a dream where traces of skis cross, serves as an indication that at the moment there are certain problems in communication. The dream, where figured, water skiing is a harbinger of a fun pastime. To lay a ski-track means that soon you will have to make a responsible decision. Night vision, where it was necessary to take skis for hire, indicates that soon you will have to be in an awkward situation because of the unexpected question of the child.

What does it mean to sleep in skiing?

It's easy to slide on the snow, so in the future, expect a long journey to the company of gay friends. If you are skiing in the desired direction - this is a good sign, indicating a favorable end to the plan. To go skiing in a dream and accidentally fall down, it means, it is necessary to prepare for various disappointments, in which there will be only your fault. If skiing, you are stuck in the snow - this is a bad sign, warning about the occurrence of problems and troubles. Ride in a ski resort in a dream, it means that the work will take a lot of effort and time, but the final result will be worth it.