Gender trait

Long before the birth of the baby, after learning its gender, parents begin to acquire things of the appropriate color scale and even equip children. We all know that the pink palette is for girls, and blue clothes, the chocolate color wheelchair for a boy. Thus, the gender education of the child begins, and the gender sign is nothing more than the person's compliance with his role, which is attributed to him by society. In other words, women, like men, differ not only in their style of dress, but also in their manner, habits, appearance, and so on.

What does gender mean?

Let's consider in more detail what gender mean, gender roles mean. It is also important to note that gender identity is preceded by gender identity, the formation of which is influenced not only by the biological development of a person, but also by his self-awareness.

So, already in two years, children understand their sex, "I am a girl, and you are a boy", but, of course, can not understand what is meant by this. Watching the world around him, first of all, for the members of his family, the kids are trained to distinguish the sex of other people with the clothes in which they are dressed, the hairstyle.

By the age of seven, when the child is aware of his biological sex, gender features begin to appear in him. In addition, during the adolescent period, gender identity is actively developing, manifested in bodily changes, puberty, all kinds of romantic experiences. In addition, a small person manifests his gender role, mastering forms of behavior, forming a character in accordance with the ideas of the surrounding society. So, girls begin to experiment actively with makeup, they want to like the opposite sex, boys, in turn, begin to unconsciously imitate their favorite characters from films, trying to make some changes in their appearance.

Gradually, both sexes manifest gender features, a social, social phenomenon that appears on the foundation of education. In other words, if the sex characteristics are biologically provable, then gender exists only in the human mind.

Gender differences between the sexes

It is generally believed that women tend to be the guardian of the home, the mother who devotes her entire life to the birth and upbringing of children, while men are by nature careerists, for whom it is more important to be financially independent and socially successful. True, looking at modern society, you understand that the people around us combine both masculine and feminine qualities.

In fact, this is not surprising. In psychology, this phenomenon is referred to as a combination of feminine and masculine traits. In some, they appear in the same amount, there is a certain balance of these traits, and in someone dominated exclusively by the female or masculine.

Feminine and masculine features, gender differences are manifested not only in behavior, attitudes, hobbies, but also in values . The most interesting thing is that the more pronounced these features are, the more flexible the behavior of a person is. And this suggests that such a person can easily adapt to new life conditions, and psychological health will be stronger than those who do not. Starting from this knowledge, psychologists strongly recommend not to educate their child in strict terms, not to impose daily gender stereotypes like "Do not cry, you're not a girl", "You're a princess, so you need to be more modest."