Diagnosis of giftedness

Now there is a large number of opportunities for the development of children of all kinds of skills. And every mom is confident that it is her child who has a unique talent, and sometimes not one. Children from two years of age are taken to dances, with three they are taught a foreign language, and from four they are sent to a music school. As a result, the child is overloaded, and childhood passes by.

On the one hand, it is clear that parents are trying to give the baby as many opportunities as possible, because in the future everything can come in handy. But sometimes children from a circle in a circle lead out of fear to lose some ability and not to reveal talent, therefore they develop everything at once. In order not to overload children, let's try to figure out whether there are clear signs and techniques aimed at identifying giftedness.

Methods for giftedness

The problem of giftedness is carefully studied in psychology. Everyone understands how important it is to see in a timely manner the inherent nature of the makings and develop talent, so psychologists have identified the original signs of giftedness:

Also there are standardized tests for giftedness, developed by psychologists to assess makings in various areas. The methodology for assessing the overall giftedness can be used by parents or teachers. It presents ten characteristics that must be evaluated on a scale from zero to five, depending on the degree of their severity.

The "Gift Card" method allows to evaluate the giftedness of children from five to ten years. It consists of eighty questions distributed across various areas of behavior and activities of the child, which are assessed on a scale of four points.

So, your child:

  1. Is inclined to logical reasoning, is able to operate with abstract concepts.
  2. Non-standard thinks and often offers unexpected, original solutions.
  3. He learns new knowledge very quickly, everything "grasps on the fly."
  4. There is no monotony in the drawings. It is original in the choice of plots. Usually depicts many different objects, people, situations.
  5. He shows great interest in music studies.
  6. He likes to write (write) stories or poems.
  7. It easily enters into the role of any character: man, animal, etc.
  8. Interested in machinery and machinery.
  9. Initiative in communicating with peers.
  10. Energetic, gives the impression of a child in need of a large volume of movements.
  11. There is a great interest and exceptional ability to classify.
  12. Not afraid of new attempts, always tries to test a new idea.
  13. Quickly remembers what he has heard and read without special memorization, does not spend much time on what needs to be remembered.
  14. Becomes thoughtful and very serious when he sees a good picture, hears music, sees an unusual sculpture, a beautiful (artistically executed) thing.
  15. Sensitive to the nature and mood of music.
  16. It can easily build a story, starting from the plot of the plot and ending with the resolution of any conflict.
  17. Interested in acting.
  18. Can repair damaged appliances, use old parts to create new crafts, toys, appliances.
  19. Preserves confidence in the surroundings of strangers.
  20. Likes to participate in sports games and competitions.
  21. He is able to express his thoughts well, he has a large vocabulary.
  22. Inventive in the choice and use of various items (for example, uses in games not only toys, but also furniture, household items and other means).
  23. He knows a lot about such events and problems that his peers usually do not know about.
  24. Is able to make original compositions of flowers, drawings, stones, stamps, postcards, etc.
  25. Sings well.
  26. Talking about something, knows how to adhere to the chosen story, does not lose the basic idea.
  27. It changes the tonality and expression of the voice when it portrays another person.
  28. He likes to understand the causes of malfunction mechanisms, likes mysterious breakdowns and questions on "search."
  29. Easily communicates with children and adults.
  30. Often wins with peers in different sports games.
  31. It is good to grasp the connection between one event and another, between cause and effect.
  32. He is able to get carried away, go headlong into the occupation he is interested in.
  33. He overtakes his peers by studying for a year or two, i.ะต. really should be in a higher class than he is now.
  34. He likes to use any new material for making toys, collages, drawings, in the construction of children's houses on the playground.
  35. In the game on the instrument, in a song or a dance, it invests a lot of energy and feelings.
  36. He adheres only to the necessary details in the stories of events, discards all irrelevant, leaves the most important, the most characteristic.
  37. Playing a dramatic scene, is able to understand and depict the conflict.
  38. He likes drawing drawings and diagrams of mechanisms.
  39. Catch the causes of other people's actions, the motives of their behavior. Well understands the unspoken.
  40. Runs faster than everyone in the kindergarten, in the classroom.
  41. He loves to solve complex tasks that require mental effort.
  42. Is able to approach differently to the same problem.
  43. It shows a pronounced, versatile curiosity.
  44. Willingly draws, molds, creates compositions that have an artistic purpose (decorations for the house, clothes, etc.), in their spare time, without inducing adults.
  45. Likes music records. He strives to go to a concert or to listen to music.
  46. He chooses in his stories such words, which convey the emotional states of the characters, their experiences and feelings well.
  47. It is inclined to transmit feelings through facial expressions, gestures, movements.
  48. He reads (likes, when he reads) magazines and articles about the creation of new instruments, machines, mechanisms.
  49. He often directs the games and activities of other children.
  50. It moves easily, gracefully. Has a good coordination of movements.
  51. Observant, loves to analyze events and phenomena.
  52. Can not only offer, but also develop their own and others' ideas.
  53. Reads books, articles, popular science editions ahead of their peers for a year or two.
  54. Turns to a drawing or modeling to express your feelings and mood.
  55. He plays well on some instrument.
  56. He knows how to convey such details in the stories that are important for understanding the event (which his peers usually do not know how to do), and at the same time he does not miss the main line of events that he talks about.
  57. Strives to evoke emotional reactions in other people, when he tells about something with enthusiasm.
  58. Likes to discuss scientific events, inventions, often thinks about it.
  59. It is inclined to take responsibility, which goes beyond the limits typical for his age.
  60. He likes to go hiking, to play at outdoor sports grounds.
  61. Able to retain symbols, letters, words for a long time.
  62. He likes to try new ways of solving life problems, does not like the already tested options.
  63. Is able to draw conclusions and generalizations.
  64. He likes to create three-dimensional images, to work with clay, plasticine, paper and glue.
  65. In singing and music, he tries to express his feelings and mood.
  66. He is inclined to fantasize, he tries to add something new and unusual when he tells about something already familiar and known to everyone.
  67. With great ease dramatizes, conveys feelings and emotional experiences.
  68. Spends a lot of time on designing and implementing his own "projects" (models of aircraft, cars, ships).
  69. Other children prefer to choose him as a partner in games and classes.
  70. He prefers to spend his free time in mobile games (hockey, basketball, football, etc.).
  71. Has a wide range of interests, asks many questions about the origin and functions of objects.
  72. Productive, whatever you do (drawing, writing stories, designing, etc.), is able to offer a large number of very different ideas and solutions.
  73. In his spare time he likes to read popular science publications (children's encyclopaedias and reference books) more than reading art books (fairy tales, detectives, etc.).
  74. Can express his own appreciation of works of art, trying to reproduce what he liked, in his drawing, toy, sculpture.
  75. He composes his own original melodies.
  76. He is able to depict his characters very alive in the story, conveys their character, feelings, moods.
  77. Loves drama games.
  78. Quickly and easily master computer.
  79. He has the gift of persuasion, is able to inspire his ideas to others.
  80. Physically more enduring than peers.

Processing of results:

Count the number of pluses and minuses in the vertical (plus and minus mutually cancel). The results of the calculations are written below, under each column. The received sums of points characterize your estimation of a degree of development in the child of following kinds of giftedness:

This technique can perform not only diagnostic, but also developing function, because you will certainly meet the list of statements that will attract your attention and serve as a kind of development program.

Do not try to impose your dreams on your child and in no case do not press without a reason. It is better to pay attention to what he does with pleasure, support his hobbies and try to expand his horizons, most likely, the capabilities lie in what is of your child's sincere interest.