Why do I have glasses?

Dreams are tips of fate that are worth explaining. There is no concrete decoding of such a symbol as there are glasses, so to get information about the future it is worth considering how they looked, what you did with them, etc.

Why do I have glasses?

If you wear glasses in a dream - this is a symbol of that there is a strong irritation in reality because of an obsessive person. Seeing a loved one with glasses means you are in for a scandal or parting . A dream in which the main object was glasses is a warning that carelessness and oversight can lead to serious problems. If you buy glasses, then in the near future you need to be attentive to all the little things. To wear glasses for vision in a dream, then, in reality you often feel a trick on the part of others.

What does a broken glasses look like?

A broken accessory portends parting with close relatives or friends. If you break the glasses - this is an unfavorable sign that promises losses.

Why dream of sunglasses?

Such a dream predicts success in business. Still it can be a sign of that in an environment there are people who can at desire to cause strong harm.

What does the broken glasses look like?

In this case, the night vision will tell you that in a short time you will learn information that will allow you to look at the people around you with different eyes.

Why do I wear sunglasses?

Such an accessory is a warning that in real life it is worth to be more reserved and not react to provocations of others. Sunglasses are worn on other people - it's a symbol that one of the friends is playing a double game.

Why dream about measuring glasses?

For a long time trying on the glasses and not choose the right option, it means that in real life you are unhappy with life. Another dream can be taken as a recommendation that it's time to make a change in life and reconsider the attitude towards some friends.