We grow on a summer residence a sage

You will find the seeds of this plant called "salvia". It is not only decorative, but also a medicinal plant. Almost always we grow sage at the dacha as perennial, but there are also annual varieties. It is used for both treatment and cooking. So if you want to decorate your alpine hill, and even plant a useful plant, buy seeds safely.

How to plant a sage in the country?

Usually it is a question of growing sage from seeds. And here is good news for beginners: you do not have to deal with seedlings, because the germination of seeds allows them to be planted immediately in the open ground. Some prefer to preserve the variety they like, and they refuse to grow sage from seeds in favor of dividing the bush.

Before planting sage in the country, it is necessary to prepare the soil in autumn and select a site. It should be a well-lit area, the soil will be perfectly adapted to moderately drained and fertile soils. If you plan to immediately plant seeds in the open ground, we wait for the end of autumn. Landing for the winter is considered the most successful decision. When growing sage from seeds, the time when seeds should be planted begins from the middle of October and until the end of the month. And for the landing two conditions are important: we fill the beds abundantly, but the seeds should only be dry. Between the beds we leave about 15 cm, and between the plants themselves, about 45 cm.

Cultivation of sage in the garden is possible and seedling method. In this case, we begin by soaking the seeds in a solution of the growth stimulator of the "Energen" type. Pour the seeds into a rag bag, then dip it into a glass with water, there drip five drops of the drug. So the seeds are prepared about a day. And after drying, we transfer the planting material to peat pots or tablets.

If we grow sage at the dacha, then do not forget about the standard methods of care: weeding, loosening the soil and watering. In the spring we begin to feed our plantings with organic. Then we feed two more times in the summer. We grow sage in one place at the dacha no longer than six years, and every two years we rejuvenate in April by cutting a 15 cm method. These methods allow you to get lush bushes, as well as beautiful leaves and blossoms. This plant is able to develop on different soils, but its decorativeness is completely dependent on the correct choice of location. That's why correctly organizing a place, and feeding a bush in time, you do not have to constantly worry about its appearance.