Allergic asthma

The most common type of bronchial asthma is allergic asthma. This is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by periodic attacks associated with exposure to allergens. To this disease there is a genetic predisposition. If you do not take proper measures, over time, attacks can become more severe and even lead to irreversible damage to the walls of the bronchi and lung tissue. What are the signs of allergic asthma, and how to treat it, consider this article.

Symptoms of allergic asthma

An attack of allergic asthma arises as a reaction of the body's immune system in response to contact with an allergenic substance. As an allergen can act as animal hair, plant pollen, insects, spores of mold fungi, dust, chemicals, etc. After ingestion of this substance in the respiratory tract, bronchospasm occurs - a process of contraction of the muscular tissues surrounding them; the airways become inflamed and begin to fill with thick mucus. This limits the access of oxygen to the lungs.

Symptoms of allergic asthma are similar to manifestations of non-allergic asthma, but they develop more rapidly. The main ones are:

The duration of the attack varies from several minutes to several hours. Outside the exacerbation of these symptoms, as a rule, absent.

Diagnosis and treatment of allergic bronchial asthma

After determining the allergic form of asthma, additional diagnostics for the detection of irritants - allergotest must be carried out. Only after this is possible, effective treatment of the disease. Sometimes after determining the allergen and excluding it from the patient's environment, you can get rid of the disease.

One of the effective ways to treat allergic bronchial asthma is to conduct allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT). By introducing the patient subcutaneously solutions of allergens with a gradual increase in dosage, you can achieve complete immunity to these substances. Recent developments in this area include nasal and sublingual methods for the administration of allergens.

The remaining methods are used, mainly, to relieve the symptoms of asthma. This drug therapy with the use of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalation bronchodilators, etc.

The healing effect for asthma patients is sea and mountain air.

Treatment of allergic asthma by folk methods

Treatment of this form of bronchial asthma with folk methods , in particular phytotherapy, is not recommended. This is because the patient may be allergic to used herbs and inflorescences.