Delayed sexual development - how to act properly for the parents of a teenager?

Delayed sexual development is not uncommon. In medicine, it is still known as the disharmony of puberty ripening. This pathology affects both boys and girls. If the problem is not detected in time and timely treatment is started, serious consequences are inevitable.

Assessment of sexual development of adolescents

Pubertat is a long process, when a child's body turns into an adult body. Perestroika, which takes place in the body of a teenager, affects not only his physiological, but also psychological aspects. All these changes are dictated by the hormone, which is produced by the glands of the hypothalamus . He "signals" that the body is about to develop the reproductive system more intensively.

In response to the production of this hormone, the pituitary gland produces gonadotropins. They produce an increase in the sex glands, which in boys release testosterone, and in girls - estrogen. These hormones also affect the sexual development of adolescents. They are produced in large quantities. Sexual maturation in girls occurs at 7-13 years, and in boys between 9 and 15 years. In some adolescents, such a process is observed earlier, and in others, later.

Development of genital organs

In the pubertal period, the reproductive system of adolescents reaches maturity. The delay in sexual development is characterized by a malfunction in "growing up". The following changes are observed in girls:

  1. Due to the growth of adipose tissue there is an increase in large labia.
  2. Bartolin glands begin to function fully.
  3. The length of the vagina increases. By the end of puberty, it reaches 8-10 cm.
  4. The uterus grows in size. Her mucous thickens. Here, glycogen is formed, which turns into lactic acid and provides an acid reaction.
  5. There is an increase in ovaries in length and weight.
  6. Intense follicles begin to ripen.
  7. There comes menstruation .

Development of the reproductive system in adolescent boys is manifested as follows:

  1. There is an increase in the testes.
  2. The penis begins to grow in length. At the same time there is an increase in diameter.
  3. The skin of the scrotum becomes folded. Here and on the penis appears pigmentation.
  4. The length of the vas deferens is increased (it can reach 2-2.5 cm). Formation of seminal vesicles occurs.
  5. Night pollutions are becoming more frequent.
  6. There comes a mature spermatogenesis .

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

Girls can be judged on maturation by the following "symptoms":

  1. Active growth is observed. A young lady can grow 10 cm per year. Simultaneously, a rapid increase in weight occurs. The young lady may develop a "brutal" appetite, which is quite normal, because for active growth, nutrients are needed.
  2. There is a formation of mammary glands. They increase in size, and their shape changes.
  3. The figure becomes feminine. The hips expand, which makes the waist better.
  4. There is hair in the armpits and the perineal region.

Sexual development of teenage boys is manifested by the following signs:

Delay in sexual development - reasons

Later ripening is more common in boys. Girls are less likely to face such a pathology. Violation of sexual development in adolescents is often hereditary. In other words, the later onset of physical maturity is transmitted from parents to children (from generation to generation). In this case, the delay in sexual development is not so terrible. Maturation will come, only a little later than the peers.

In addition, the delay in sexual and physical development in boys and girls can be provoked by such causes:

Delayed sexual development in boys

In addition to the hereditary factor, later maturation is caused by other causes. The sexual development of boys is influenced by such diseases:

Delayed sexual development in girls

Later ripening requires urgent medical intervention. The syndrome of delay in sexual development can be caused in girls by the following reasons:

Treatment of delayed sexual development

Before the diagnosis is carried out, allowing to accurately identify the "provocateur" of this pathology. It includes such studies:

The delay in sexual development in children is treated in a complex way. All appointments and manipulations must be consistent with the doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable! More often the delay in sexual development in adolescents is treated as follows:

  1. Dietotherapy - is aimed at normalizing the body weight and enriching the body with useful elements.
  2. Reception of sedatives.
  3. Vitaminotherapy - prescribe folic acid, vitamin E.
  4. Treatment with hormonal drugs.
  5. The reception of calcium - for the normal formation of bone tissue.
  6. Surgical intervention - removal of tumors or elimination of anatomical defects.